Trading currency correlation

Every currency has directly or indirectly correlation between them which could be positive or negative depending upon currency which can be measured from -100% to 100%.

Where -100% means currencies moves exactly opposite to each other where as 100% means currencies moves in same direction and in middle range they corelate as per percent corelation in between them.

This correlation between pairs keeps changing its range which could vary from negative to positive & positive to negative.

Now depending upon the type of correlation between two pairs our Correlation EA will place place trades as


and waits for collective profits of it and once threshold is reached EA closes both the trades.

Working :- When EA loaded eg for GBPUSD & EURGBP corelation eg. current correlation 20% EA will open BUY- GBPUSD & SELL-EURGBP and monitor the trades for collective profit of both trades once is reaches predefined profit EA will close the trades but IF not reaches and correlation changes from 20%-0%-Negative region EA will add new set SELL-GBPUSD & BUY-EURGBP, and keep monitoring.

Doing such make margin required reduces close to 0 (zero) and hedge trade between same pair.

Each set of trades get different magic number.

Inputs :

  1. Lot
  2. Profits
  3. Loss
  4. Symbol1
  5. Symbol2

Trades / performance

pretty much similar with my finding, as for now I tested at virtual account to find best setting. I dont know if anyone still interested with basket, correlation trading. these EA works simultanusly with 28 pairs, has time filter based when the ea should start trading and exit trade.

better use low spread brokers, since correlation sometimes deal mutli pair which produce more spread cost for each trade, learn to minimize the cost to get more profit. :slight_smile:

Correlation EA’s may not be that easy to backtest as MT4 allows backtesting on single pairs only.

I do correlation mostly with EURUSD-USDCAD, GBPUSD-EURGBP & USDJPY-EURJPY.

Here are some of my backtest and forward test

Its really good thing as risk reduces to greater extend when trading in correlation

[B]pankajbhaban[/B] Please post a link to download this EA

This is very, very risky. Currency correlation constantly changes. If the correlation does change and you are not on top of the market this could easily burn your account. It looks great on back-testing because the EA already known the open, high and close. I strongly recommend you to do this live for 4 - 6 months before putting big money on it. I am assuming it does not martingale. If it does, no comment…