Trading for a purpose

Hi, I’m interested in trading, cause at this point in my life, I feel that if I can work less for more pay, it will help my family not only financially but I’ll have more time for my family. Family is everything and to care and love them is just priceless. If I can make this work I’ll spend less time at the office.

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There is no short cut to success. So be prepared to put the work in for months, if not years.

And you have chosen the worst time to enter FX trading when you look around what’s happening in the planet.

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There’s a saying in the property industry that the best time to buy was always last year…

Still, you have to get in at some time and the harder the knocks the stronger the lesson. Good luck to you.


Welcome! Please remember that it’s not easy making money in forex. Focus first on learning and getting the required skills to be a profitable trader. Good luck!

Hello and welcome! I have to say I feel for you on that goal, I started trading as a stay at home mom and it’s helped my family a lot, though it hasn’t solved all of my financial problems. I think trading is definitely a means to accomplish that, but it does take a lot of time and effort. Wishing you the best of luck! :four_leaf_clover:

We should not get dependent on trading as a full time career until we are good at it, especially when it comes to full time because one should be expert in order to take this as a full time career.

Hi, you seem focused and dedicated towards achieving your goal. I hope you do, wishing you patience and understanding in your journey ahead. Good luck!

Forex trading can surely be a source of active income but that takes years. You will surely make it through with your determination, knowledge, and expertise.