Trading in Japan, my broker is Tokiwa...heard of this?

spread 10pips
LMT/STP 30pips
initial margin USD50K

may I ask the reasons why? is this an ad or the reasons why tokiwa is bad?

i heard so much about tokiwa investment. i don’t think they are bad in fact they are making good name for themselves and they are way of progress. very soon they are going to be number one investment firm in Japan.

That is a very large spread!

I live in Japan and started trading a while ago, via an introduction from a friend here. That friend introduced me to another guy who used to work for Tokiwa. This guy quit very shortly after joining them. In short, they are not reputable at all. During their training, all of the graphs they used apparently had, “pro forma” in small print at the bottom.

Tokiwa is an absolute joke of a brokerage firm. They take desperate jobless foreigners off the street with no knowledge and experience about FOREX trading or Finance in general and then give them a crash 2 day course in FOREX and financial advisory. They can afford to do this because they pay their staff only on commission…so it doesnt matter who they employ.

What this means for the client is that they think they are paying for and receiving high quality investment advice from high quality firm…but anything their broker tells them was probably on the front page of bloomberg that morning. The only thing useful from the company is probably their trading platform…but with the rumored size of their spreads its definitely not worth it.

Why do i know all this? I had the privilege of going to their office for an interview a few months ago. Their office is just a big room…with beat up bench tables and old office chairs…they didn’t even have a separate room for me to take the interview in…i was interviewed in front of the whole office! Everybody in the room was using different computers…which i assume was because the company couldn’t even afford to give each of their workers a desktop pc to do their job. It looked like the total overheads of the company consisted of rent and one secretary.
I was offered the position after a 15 minute interview…no exam, no reference check …nothing!

As you would expect i never took the job.

Absolutely right huckleberryfinn,

I had the same experience, but my home was near and I kept going there for 7 days after Daniel,
a Spanish guy in charged for interviewing, accepted us (jobless) foreigners in Japan.

The reason why they accepted me was not clear enough until I asked Manager Daniel,
“How to find clients to submit at least 10.000 $ in Tokiwa Investement Inc?” so smart guy Dani with friends could play in Forex.

They accepted us as we can ask our friends, family members, or other human resources to convince them to submit at least 10K at Tokiwa. I saw my self that M.Daniel and his manager a big black african guy, I am sorry I forgot his name, lost in Forex several times in 3 days others people money as they invested in Tokiwa’s traps.

I admit that I met many good looking gentlemen in suits (as is usual in Tokyo) but what was funny their shoes you could distinguish if really was a manager(employer) or a bourbon inside a suit that were there for trapping Japanese rich ladies with promises. Just for information FOREX became popular and started in Japan too, after a short time was prohibited in USA and many countries in EU.

I know to say only this, in forex no one can predict the curves of the rates, and the Tokiwa or other fake banks trading in forex play like a bingo game with customer’s money. As they say are specialists in this field. The bank itself will never lose money as the responsible person for losing is the customer himself/herself. To see your self this last sentence, then read TOS (Terms of Service) or conditions in the contract they give you to sign(I did gave my self to my possible customer, lucky he did not accept, I could post now from prison). In the contract is written clearly or should be at least that CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE for playing in FOREX and Tokiwa or other fake banks are responsible for supporting the customer. (Supporting the customer means to show him how to play through Tokiwa’s softs or others Forex App).

If you like to play on your own risk there are ways to register and play officially and not through banks, as the banks in any case with take commission fee in case you lose or win.

