I’m just here to log some updates. About myself, as a result of my transformation progress.
I know I am changing.
When I view the market now a days, I don’t get too excited as I used to ( a much lesser degree than I used to for sure). The thing that always runs through my mind, and I keep reminding myself, is the fact of the unpredictable nature of the market. I believe it is true. That is a fact in my mind that’s going deeper and deeper. So that in turn changes the way I trade. In a more concrete way that that has changed me is this way. I have changed ALL of my charts to the weekly time frames. That just makes so much sense to me. Sure, I like to see what’s going on in the market from time to time during the day. But now I will see it all in the context of how the week is progressing. Fundamentally I do believe that the further out you go the more reliable the trends are. And I thought I would never think that the daily time frames go by so quickly, and also change so much! I think they do now. I would get all bent out of shape to see something rise or drop and think that the trends are changing (even on the daily), then to just come back around and continue the way it was going. This all is for the reason of how I can trade. I can’t day trade because of a full time job. So it’s placing trades only once a week.
Another thing I’ve been thinking a lot about (because of some of the stuff I read on BabyPips) is this.
I’M SO GLAD I HAVEN’T GONE LIVE YET. Before I read this book.
I just can’t imagine not having this mindset before going live. This is such vital stuff. And like I have mentioned previously, every good trader figures it all out, one way or another. I’m trying to get there via the short cut (the metamorphosis, than years of experience).
So, since this is MY thread, I’m gonna talk about where I am coming from regarding the demo/live debate.
Look…I must be different than all the rest. I have heard ALL of the sides of it. (And I know one of you who is such a staunch supporter of real money than fake money…‘The LastBear’.) (I will always respect you, even though we are on opposite sides of this coin) But, where I’m coming from, is that I will absolutely not go live until my system, strategy, business is fully developed, and have a track record of consistent results. And I’m not talking about becoming rich on paper first, but at least better than break even results for a length of time (at least for 6 months). See, I’m a numbers guy. I love nothing more than seeing the stats on paper add up to success. And I know I can’t realistically say this, but I believe that I will be more excited about seeing success on paper, than real money entering my hands. That reminds me of a conversation I had with my wife just the other day. We played the lottery, cause the pot is climbing pretty high. And I honestly said, and I do know this is true inside of me, that if we would win, and we had never to worry about money again, I would still spend hours and hours doing what I do. Because I love it so much, and it really isn’t about how much money I would get out of it, but moreso about becoming successful at something. The self satisfaction of having my own business. And figuring out how to win in the market (the thing that not a lot of ‘common’ people can do easily). So, anyway, back to the demo thing. In my mind, it’s the only smart thing to do. And I know what your all going to say right about now. “It’s the psychological difference between demo and live”. I realize what’s important to people. It’s money! And that’s why people get into this business, to make money. So, yes, with such a primitive mindset, there would be such a big difference between trading with virtual money than your hard worked for, real money. But, I’m not in that camp. I’m in this for the business. I’m in this because it has been born in me to reach success for something that I love (numbers, stats, strategies, problem solving issues, puzzles). And also I absolutely love that there’s a psychological aspect to it. Because you just can’t be a dummy, and someone who has no self control over his emotions and expect to be successful at this game. I will consider myself lucky to have picked up this book. This was definitely the missing link for me that I need on this road. And I absolutely will be transformed into this thinking that is necessary (which is all noted in the previous posts).
I’m not that young anymore to be able to waste years of my life learning things the hard way. (trial and error time and time again) In fact, the older I do get, the more serious I take things. And this book has taught me in the way I need to think. And I will not rest until I have become this way (objectively viewing the market, trading without any conflict, accepting everything the market does, realizing that all my decisions and all outcomes will be positive). So what I look at is my numbers, results, and now, my emotions, along with the correct market thinking. Things are changing. And it IS cause for excitement.
I just cannot wait till I go live, I’m hoping before the end of the year or beginning in Jan. I will give such a post about my true feelings before and after going live. But, the bottom line will be about becoming successful. And if it’s really true about the psychological element being most important aspect of trading, then, I’m gonna be so dog-gone successful it won’t even be funny.
And by the way…it’s awesome that my trading strategy is really starting to produce results now also.
It’s like all things are coming together for me.
But, only time will tell.