Trading is so easy

if you’re practice only one thing lots of time you beliveing automatically . then backtest again my stratergy working still now if working so good if not work , make again stratergy i saw 200EMA stratergy simple but good result how want .

7months before i start trading ,starting starting i search on youtube , youtube is good platform to learn but confusion there lot you follow everyone but listing anyone so i prey god please god i want to learn forex and in detail in india forex mentorship fee is $200 -$500 that time i have not money and i am student with my life so i have not money for i take mentorship

3 month before i listen about and its about trading. how i want that giving me god i learn lots of things.

i am doing and what happening why i am not doing trading. in middle time i trade in real account and i earn but again that all loss

then i understood my all psychology and i work but again loss

then i think about this why where is i am not completed

then i identify because what i learn that realate i am not taking to someone what today i practice and how i feel like trading releted everything

guys talk about what you learn , practice this is make stronger and confident

anyone can talk with me share with me and only about trading

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How much should cost mentorship from trader who spent e.g. 1000 hours in front of monitor, learned, practiced, draw conclusions, in your opinion? Regards Greg

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Yes - but is the mentor genuine?


I talk about real mentors, not someone who spent one year in trading and selling a “dreams”


Yes good value for money

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in india everyone making price for course different. that depends on that person how he teach n mentoring he confident about his course . n that is right for who’s affordable that person take that course
my opinin is $100 to $300 in india