Trading journal

Curious. What method or software do you use to “set-up” your charts?

Are you referring to just demoing through your broker or another software that allows you to generate realistic market movement with a specific market occurrence (like retracements, trends, fake-outs, etc.) in mind?

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Actually, it’s just my own practice charts. I trade D1, and setups don’t happen everyday, Some setups don’t happen for weeks. If I want to practice trading more, I have to wait for the market to present these setups. But that’s too slow for me.

So, I make my own practice charts.

I collect screenshots of different pairs, different setups, different years.

So you peer through historical data on multiple different pairs?

Very nice

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I’ve been studying the same retracement charts for the past 10 days, and I’m still learning new things. This is both exciting and annoying.

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I finished practicing my retracement strategy, but I think I may have made a mistake in the application of the previous strategy I practiced. I think I need to refresh my memory, and maybe even mix the practice charts, just to confuse myself a bit.

So far I’ve practiced three strategies. I could use a refresher in all of them. I’m really really eager to get back to trading live, but I’m understanding that I need more practice. I also need to prove it in demo.

I really do feel rushed and eager. I also feel I need more time. I want to practice and learn how to correctly apply my strategy. I’m learning to separate them. Next, I have to apply them to the market.

My next step is to mix the first three strategies and practice them. After that, I’ll need to collect more charts for my fourth and final strategy. It’s the most confusing one, so I’ll need more samples than with the previous strategies.

I got pork rinds. I’m ready for the weekend!

Patience, young padawan.


One task, that will be at the top of my list for the next trading phase, is taking the trade when I see the setup. Sooooooo many times I’ve seen it, and I don’t take it for any number of reasons. Then, two days later, I see that I was right, and now it’s too late for a profitable entry.

That’s a big deal for me. Taking the trade when my strategy says so.

Now, that doesn’t mean I won’t get stopped out. Getting stopped out is included in the strategy. I just have to follow the strategy when the setup arrives. That’s it. If I can do that, the money will take care of itself.

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Makes sense to position yourself so you do not enter into demo and make mistakes and have them go unrealized due to lack of training.

What are your four strategies based off?

And pork rinds baby! Fire fuel for the learning trader :laughing:

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Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of. I’d rather take the necessary time and get it right, rather than jump ahead prematurely and watch my trading go off the rails.

This way may take longer, but it’s more beneficial in the long run, I think.

My strategies are all based on price action. Keeping it simple.


One piece of good news is that I did place a trade, and it was a retracement trade just like the ones I’ve been practicing.

So, while I’ve made mistakes, this one time I traded it EXACTLY like I practiced. That’s a step in the right direction. A little bit of improvement is better than none at all.

Patience, young padawan.

The Safetype Keyboard!


It looks worth a try!

It has the same principle as the vertical mouse: taking pressure off the Carpal’s tunnel.

This looks cool!

This is The Frogpad–designed for one-handed typing.

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I really wanted to try out the Safetype Keyboard, so I went to YouTube for any reviews.

I watched this video and decided not to get it. :rofl:


His review was quite harsh haha. I’d still give it a try, though. It’s certainly not for travel, but at home, sure.

Checkout the Frogpad!

This could also be used so that you don’t have to let go of the mouse while trading.

This is interesting…

I’ve prepared my calendar for January and February. I marked the next 30 days as ¨retrace¨ days. As I cross off each day and see ¨retrace¨ written there, it serves as a reminder of what to focus on.

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The frogpad is cool. I can see how it will be useful for a trading setup. What is your trading setup like?

The artsey video started me on the YouTube rabbit hole for ergonomic keyboards. I watched a couple of videos and learned about different kinds of keyboards.

I learned about RSI (Repetitive Strain or Stress Injury). Programmers talked about their experiences and the keyboards that helped them.

There was one guy who got injured and couldn’t type for more than an hour until he changed his keyboard. There was another guy who couldn’t work for months and had to get physical therapy.

I’m glad you brought up this topic because I’m working on becoming a programmer. I need to adopt the habits and use the proper tools that will prevent me from getting RSI.

I found this setup that I want to get as soon as I can afford it. It’s a split keyboard mounted on a table that might be better than the Safetype. It’s amazing that there are people making a living by reviewing things like keyboards.

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Nothing special. I have a laptop and a wireless keyboard. I don’t want the laptop screen so close to my eyes, so that’s why I have the keyboard. I also have a vertical mouse. My wrist started hurting really bad a while ago, so I switched to the vertical mouse. It helped a lot.

I wouldn’t mind trying that split keyboard, Voyager. I saw a review about it and the guy said he likes it because he can have his drink in between the keyboards without the risk of knocking it over. There are a few keyboards I’d like to try, just for fun.

The Frogpad and Artsey are at the top of my list for a mobile setup. At home, I’d like to try the Voyager.

Just a heads up. Even with the ergonomic mouse, my clicking finger started twitching. I was getting worried. I looked it up, and people suggested different computer mice.

I decided to just try my own experiment. I didn’t get a different mouse, and I didn’t rest my hand. Instead I strengthened it.

I already had a gripmaster at home (which I hadn’t used in forever), and I started using it. Pain, no more.

I have a similar setup. I have a laptop that I keep at arm’s length and a wired keyboard that I put on my lap. I don’t have a mouse, but I’ll probably get a vertical mouse when I start trading.

This is a deep topic. I wish I can test out all these keyboards and mice. There are also the different keyboard configurations that are better than QWERTY. It’s like I have to teach my hands a new language.

I regularly work out my grip strength through arm hangs and farmer’s carry exercises. That gripmaster is another rabbit hole on YouTube I want to look into.

I just took a quick look and there are guitarists, rock climbers, and Ninja Warrior competitors that use it with various exercises.

Thanks for sharing all this info. It saved me from ending up in a world of pain and injury.

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Yeah, but if it’s comfortable, you’ll enjoy using it, and I’m sure the learning curve shouldn’t be too long…

It looks fun though!

hahaha, this is how I feel after using the grip master for 20 minutes

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O my gosh!:rofl:

I almost rolled on the floor watching this review. This is a combination of frustration from the keyboard and annoyance towards the maker of the keyboard.

But seriously, this keyboard is better of a torture device, the maker must really be a mean guy.:joy:

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What makes up each of your strategies? Like do you use support and resistance in a strategy, then trendlines plus candlestick patterns in another.

What does your strategies entail?

That’s if you don’t mind sharing.

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I use price action and S/R levels. But I’m still working on it…

I started off with MACD, then MACD + MA, then MA, then price action.

This may sound crazy, but my goal is to trade like a ninja, haha.


Well, technically, I guess Jubei is a ronin. But either way, I wanna trade with samurai-like instincts. I wanna have confidence in what signs I see, and how I should trade them. My trades will be swift and precise. I’ll enter and exit the trade before you knew what happened.