Can anyone give me ideas on a good trading journal
I opened a thread asking the same thing.(Below). I didn’t get many replies because I think this is more of a personal preference. I started out with an insane journal which was was too complicated and I didn’t want take the time to fill it out. Now I just have simple excel spreadsheet to track my orders, gains/losses, lot size, etc… so I can track my progress. Most importantly I put a comment field so I can document why a trade failed or worked ( ie… didn’t wait for 4 hour trend, stochastics was overbought/oversolld, etc.)
I was unable to open the link. Could you send it again.
Try it again (might have to refresh your page). Also, you can search for anything you’d like by choosing the [B]“search”[/B] button at the top of the page. It might come in handy since there have been a lot of good threads in the last couple months.
Thanks I got it. I’m still getting use to the forums. Good info on the log. Simple is better.