Trading Law

7 USC Chapter 1 - COMMODITY EXCHANGES | LII / Legal Information Institute

here is a link to the new trading law, if you can help me understand it, that would be nice. The reason I ask because Dukascopy has this on their webpage and I have no idea what it means either,lol.

[B]To the attention of US residents
Pursuant to changes in regulation, Dukascopy Bank SA does not trade live with US residents who do not qualify as “Eligible Contract Participant” (ECP) as defined under Section 1A of the Commodity Exchange Act. If you are a US resident but not an ECP, you can trade with Dukascopy Bank SA’s prices and technology by opening a JForex account with one of our US partners

It goes to the above link I posted except the definitions part.

Not sure what you’re after here, but bottom line is that if you’re an individual US trader with less than an 8-figure account you can’t trade with Dukascopy, though you can trade through one of their US partners.

OK TY that’s what I was after interpretation. I should have said. Thanks again.

Say thanks to Obamma, US citizens cannot open offshore trading accounts.

It is high on Obamas Agenda…

Is there any restrictions for other citizens to open account with US Brokers ?

To the best of my knowledge there are no restrictions for non-US citizens in regard to opening a trading account with a US broker.

But why would you want to do that?
I see no advantages, only disadvantages: FIFO, no hedging, low leverage.

I’d rather work with a serious (properly regulated, segregated accounts et cetera) broker outside of the US’s ridiculously restrictive environment.


Hey fellas! What could you suggest to someone who is trading a year ago, but has only bad experiences with robots and signals? Thanks!

To drop all that and start trading for real.

Yep, exactly.
If you’ve only worked with signals and EAs so far, you haven’t even started trading.
Go through the School of Pipsology right here on Babypips to start learning how to trade properly.

If you’ve already done that a year ago, when you started Signals/EAs … do it again. :slight_smile:

Then start demo-trading manually; try to make your demo account’s starting capital to be what you’ll trade live later on.
Running a demo of 50k and then switching to a 500-bucks life account isn’t good.


Hello guys! How much is an acceptable loss per year in your opinion? Thank you!

That question is impossible to answer if you’re asking about absolute terms, because it obviously depends on the account size.
Personally, I’d accept a DD of 15-20% … then it’s time to re-evaluate your trading plan/system.
But that re-evaluation will be done whenever a drawdown of such magnitude occurs, not at year’s end only.


It depends how much money of your whole portfolio you have in forex. If that is 5% you can accept more loses than if that is 50%.

Ummm … no, you can’t.
Don’t measure yield/drawdown in absolute figures (like I said above).
Profitability should be gauged in per cent (as any ROI is).

What you are saying is that a bad investment is acceptable, as long as you don’t put much money into it.


Thank you paladinFX for your explanations, i was wondering about this question too.