Trading Nightmares

It’s understandable that increasing lot sizes can be a source of anxiety or phobia for some traders.
Have you considered seeking professional help or counseling to address your phobia and anxiety related to trading?

I can understand how frustrating and discouraging a prolonged losing streak can be. It’s important to remember that every trader experiences ups and downs.

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So true Amy95 :+1:

How can I have nightmares when I am not sleeping at all when trading in a huge amount :joy:

I have the same feeling when I enlarge my trading lot size because it is risky for me.

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If you’re not getting enough sleep because of trading, maybe it’s time to start counting pips instead of sheep! :joy:Sweet dreams and successful trades!

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Yup that’s exactly what’s stressful about it, you have no idea when it will end!!

Lol that’s the pro-tip right there, just don’t sleep! :laughing:

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Haha, I love the idea of counting pips instead of sheep!


Who needs sheep when you can count pips in your dreams and wake up with a profitable trade? Trading dreams definitely beat counting sheep any day! :sweat_smile:

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