Trading Nightmares

I had an experience I wanted to share. Whenever I trade a huge amount of money, I tend to have nightmares. Do you have similar experiences?

That is s0oo funny ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:joy: I know but unfortunately I experienced it. :laughing:
The nightmare was so real, bro. I saw all my savings disappear before my eyes, and the stress and anxiety of the situation was overwhelming.

If a large trade causes stress, reduce the capital at risk until you can sleep at night. If things are really bad, close trades and stop trading until you can handle what you’re trying to do. Above all else, make sure you are using a strategy that allows you to plan for whatever price does. Trading is the road, the strategy is your car.


I suspect that trading smaller sums would fix the problem. But then again what do I know?


When I am up trading for long hours, and I begin to fall asleep…

I sometimes see the charts moving while my eyes are closed.


This is normal human behaviour as it is an emotional response, albeit while sleeping. Learn how to create a Zen mindset accepting emotions, but which will ignore what the market throws at you.

I recommend The Zen Trader by Peter Castle, which focuses on stocks but is also relevant to FX currencies.


Thank you for the book recommendation, The Zen Trader by Peter Castle. Have you personally found it helpful in creating a Zen mindset while trading? I’ll definitely check it out and see if it can help me overcome my nightmares when trading large amounts of money.

I can relate to that, it’s interesting how our minds can play tricks on us even when we’re not consciously looking at the charts. Have you found any techniques or strategies to combat this issue when trading for long hours?

YEEEES, exactly I got stress, you are not alone. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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Yes, my emotional control is weak, and by finding others ways to accept but ignore what the market is throwing at me removes any nightmares.

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It’s quite natural to have brother because every trade involves certain amount of leverage that can cause a huge loss. And it’s always a fear and I think it’s really tough to recover from this nightmare even if you stay with the market for a few years.

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I don’t have a huge sum of money to trade with so I can’t relate lol. BUT I did end up with a trading nightmare (for the first time ever) after a long losing streak! I think I even posted about it here :joy:

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Thanks for sharing your experience! Losing streaks can be tough to deal with, but it’s great that you were able to talk about it and find support here. Do you have any tips for dealing with trading-related stress or avoiding nightmares while trading?

Actually, it’s a fear and it’s quite natural to have when a trade trades with big leverage.

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Initially I suffered this disease much but over time I got losses and thus rectified myself.

a never ending losing streak is a nightmare i feel will never end, it can be tough to go through :scream:

If you are going through hell, keep going :sweat_smile:

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Nightmare comes when I enlarge my lot size and I think it’s a type of phobia that I still suffer.

Trading using high lot is risky for traders so it’s quite natural to have nightmare that time.

I’m curious, have you personally had any nightmares or bad experiences related to trading with high lot sizes?