Trading nightmares

To avoid trading nightmares, a trader should avoid utopian schemes. A trader should go ahead rationally and stage by stage. When a trader tries to be a bit more advance, he or she slips. Avoid trading in some days when the market is full of bogus movement. It you save you against losses and you can survive in Forex a bit more.

The worst nightmare of trading is the fear of losing. Regardless of how good a trading strategy or how strong the risk management is, the fear of losing still lingers.
Fear of losing can lead traders to panic affecting their trading decisions.

Haha if only it was as simple as dreaming

Forex trading is a risky business and traders can have a lot of difficulties initially. However, traders should not be afraid of those difficulties, but instead work hard on their skills to become successful.

A sweet dream?? Loooooolz!

Itā€™s a job! Like any other job! Wake up!

You may like the job or you may notā€¦ If you are good at the job, you can keep it and earn moneyā€¦ no matter you like it or not! The better you are at the job, the better salary you will get.

If you hate the jobā€¦ itā€™s better you find another one (if you can)

To many traders, trading is like a nightmare. But, I would recommend you donā€™t let your trading seem to be a nightmare because Forex trading a blessing in disguise. If you are not finding success, it is your fault, not the fault of market. The reason is there are millions of traders are gaining huge return from Forex.

Trading becomes a nightmare when traders make trades with unrealistic expectations and neglects the risks involved. Traders should trade with caution.

You need to normalise getting nightmares of trading, as there are high chances of risk from the beginning which create stress and make you think of that stuff constantly. Until and unless you understand the mechanism of handing trading, you will feel the same.