Trading nightmares

Why is trading a nightmare instead of being a sweet dream. What is required to be a profitable trader?

You need a simple strategy which is as objective as possible. You don’t need to re-invent the wheel: use a well-known strategy that is completely proven and understood. New traders are often under-capitalised so it needs to generate inherently low risk trades. Decisions are harder when you’re under time pressure so a longer time-frame helps. Make sure your individual trades are risk managed with a sensibly placed stop-loss and that the open positions are not highly correlated.

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I meant in the sense of psychology.

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Have you completed Pipsology?

What do you mean exactly by “nightmare”?

Can you tell us what has been happening?

This is a forex marketing, did you see any advertise which forex is hard? I think no, When newbies dive into forex knowledge, discovering that it is harder than they saw and thought.

I think changing the perception of forex trading as something easy and enjoyable to working hard to achieve success will be a good start.

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Humans have evolved to a fight or flight defence against experiencing and fearing pain - which must be prevented at all costs. This self-preservation psychological status is highly unsuitable when trading FX.

That’s why managing emotional control is key to being successful, and why many traders fail. They will fight the market to prove they were right, and fail to cut losses which causes pain - and fail to let winning trades run for fear of missing out.

These emotional signals cannot be stopped, but as more experience is learnt, recognition of them can be managed, lessened and controlled. The top pro traders have learnt to accept pain - the more it happens the easier it gets to accept it.

One tactic is to create a mindset that accepts every trade as being a losing trade and letting the market prove you wrong. This is a very powerful psychological therapy which is designed to minimise pain…

I hope that helps.


Life is also the same combined with both nightmares and sweet dreams. :blush: You cannot get rid of nightmare in trading. Trading is full of surprise. :sweat_smile:

I wonder if he means how trading psychology is so difficult to maneuver that it’s a “nightmare”? :open_mouth:

I guess the trading is not going the way he was hoping to, so hence nightmare.

But @tommor said exactly what he did.

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I’ve not completed pipsology yet.

Nightmare I mean the market playing against y
after giving signals.

After learning on demo for months. I finally decide to trade on a real account. It didn’t take up to an hour for my account to be blown

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This is a good one.

I suggest staying on demo until you complete Pipsology. Focus on learning, not making money.

We all want money, but if you don’t learn the skills first, you will probably keep blowing your account.

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Iwouldn’t say that trading is a nightmare.
Surely, this kind of activety differes from the picture that we get from different movies about trading where we see traders sitting in some luxurous business center drinking expensive whiskey and relaxing. Reality is totally different. Usually traders experience lots of stress and they don’t get plenty of money by their trading profession. In most of the cases individual traders have some other job and they trade as their hobby or as an additional source of income.
So, I would say that the real trading looks like a nightmare because of the fact that the traders experience stress all the time and they don’t feel relaxed while making money this way.

@Vickkenz I hope it was not a big amount that you lost!
Forex trading is not as frightening if you focus on risk and money management as much as you focus on making money.
Demo trading often makes novice traders overconfident and set unrealistic standards in their minds because the results on demo accounts are comparatively better than real accounts. It is never an accurate measure of your trading skills. When any trader shifts to trading in the live market, it’s natural that they don’t get the expected results and also find it hard to adapt. That is why it’s advisable to start small and focus on protecting your capital more than gaining profits.

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I wouldn’t call trading a nightmare.
It actually depends on the perception of trading and how reality differs from the expectations. Trading is a nightmare for those who don’t possess any kind of knowledge and skills necessary for trading and who invest heavily into this activity right away. Surely, they have the problem when they face with the reality because of the fact that they initially thought that it was easy to make money on trading, but making money is never easy actually. Everything can become a nightmare if you don’t think before investing in it. If such people devote some time and efforts to learn how to trade, then trading will not be so scary and disappointing to them.
Trading is definetely not for the dreamers. People should be hyperrealists when they come to financial markets, otherwise they are going to lose. It goes without saying that people should big dream in order to accomplish more, but if we speak about trading, then it is not the dreams which bring the results, but it is more about planning and common sense.

I believe everything because of fake belief that trading destroys your mental health. It’s literally like that but only partly. It affects your mental health not in a very good way, however all the activities which imply risks affects your mental health. Everything depends on your personal attitude toward your funds. If you understand that money is created to work on you or against you, then perhaps it will be much easier for you to start trading because you won’t have a fear which lots of traders have. It won’t be a nightmare for you but a fascinating journey. So, here everything depends on how you relate to trading.

it takes time to see the box you in ,and get out of it ,normally took 10+ years.

The most successful people have peaks and troughs in life .I don’t know how old you are, but if you do become successful in this field and happened to see your post again.You probably have a wry smile

the successful trader is a trader who is able to predict the market with certainly, its a very good skill in this market place.

Trading is a nightmare for those ones who have no idea how to operate with trading actually. If you have no idea how to do it, then perhaps you have to find any resources where to find a proper source of information. I believe everything depends on the attitude of a trader towards the activity. If you will treat it with hnor and respect, then it will pay you back, I bet.
You have to understand that there is nothing in the wolrd which will be a simpel source of income. Money likes those ones who like it back. Of course, some traders learn and practice a lot and still have no result, but it’s just a time. Time will set them at the righ place in society.