Trading philosophy

Hello all,
I’m new to trading Forex. I have been using Babypips for a few weeks. I just opened a free demo trading platform to practice trading.
My biggest issue is how to come up with a trading plan. Babypips says to choose one of the major trading pairs and focus on it as a beginner.
I have done that but don’t know how to create a trading plan to stick to?

Welcome to the forum!

This trading-plan template is very well known, well respected and contains all you’ll need. It’s free to use, or circulate (no copyright problems!).

The link below downloads a little PDF.

(You do mean “trading plan,” and not “trading strategy”?!)


Google to find a simple strategy that involves fewest technical indicators and fewest decisions. Run this on a demo account. Actually, the choice of which simple strategy is not critical becasue it will almost definitely not be the strategy you end up trading with. But learning a strategy and running it will teach you a lot about strategies - so your second choice to demo will be a lot better.

You can know an infinite amount about technical analysis, economics, fiscal policy, international relations etc. but without a strategy you won’t be able to make any money trading off this knowledge.

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Hi and welcome.

If you’re looking for a trading plan, then Theodore’s link above will help.

If you’re looking for a trading strategy, then Tommor’s post above will help, and the second half of this post, has helped many people, too (click the green link).


Welcome to the forum! For a trading plan, you can start with a simple entry/exit rules, risk per trade etc. Which currency pair are you focusing on?

Starting a trading plan can be tough, but keep it simple. Set a clear goal for what you want to achieve, like getting comfortable with your trades or aiming for a small profit each week. Stick with the EUR/USD pair since you’re already focusing on it. Only risk a little on each trade, maybe 1-2%, so you don’t lose too much if things go sideways. Decide on a couple of rules for when to enter and exit trades, something easy to follow. Make it a habit to check your charts at the same times each day and keep track of what you’re doing in a journal. Most importantly, stay patient and don’t stress if things don’t go perfectly at first. You’ve got this!

Hi @hgtraderlc,

Trading Plan can be set after you have a strategy. If you feel confuse, you must return back to define your strategy. Once you get the strategy, you combine with money management then … a trading plan has been born.

For example, you are trading MA Crossover, then you define the rule first. Print the rule, stick on the wall.

  • You will use MA Crossover on EURUSD H1 chart. Define your rule, do long when golden cross, do short when death cross. Probably TP is 20 pips and SL 1%.
  • You may also do MA Corssover on EURUSD M15 chart, the rule can be the same as above. But TP is 15 pips and SL is 30 pips away.
  • Money Management, let say you will use 100 USD, will keep it 100 for 3 months. The excess will be withdrawn to buy cup of coffee or spaghetti :yum:, that’ll be fine.

The rule above will be you trading plan.
You open your account, put 100 USD. Calculate 1% from 100 USD, which is 1 USD. That will be you SL limit.
When you sit down, trading … bear in mind your defined rule. Try to follow every single rule … don’t get seduced by anything around you. No temptation, even there is beautiful young girl or super handsome guy, sitting next to you … you can keep still focus on your rule. :grin:

Every week, you may review the result, make adjustment if necessary. Once it’s done, stick into it again during trading. Repeat until there is no more tomorrow :grin: