Trading platform preferences

In your broker’s trading platform, what features do you like to see or you wished to have? Personally I like to have economic calendar, a lot of brokers do not provide that.

Well I was ok with my broker’s trading platform till I saw your topic. good idea. if they provide a economical calendar, their platform would be on another level.

I wish they could design a way that I can switch between my accounts easier and faster.

There is an economical calendar on this site. Simply switch between that and your platform. 5 seconds maximum on your desktop.

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I am trading on mt4 trading platform and yes my broker provides me economic calendar and other technical tools.

I would say a news Icon on the chart for specific news for the currency on the chart, like what we have on tradingview.


the thing people call “advanced trade management” is a big deal, for me

i want to be able to enter with one click a multi-lot position with different stop-losses and sometimes targets for different components of the trade, all automated

to be fair, almost every proper trading platform has this feature already built-in, these days, but it makes me wonder how i ever used to manage to trade without it (as everyone then had to!) all those decades ago when i started :sweat_smile:

Hmmm. :thinking: When it comes to the platform itself, just a user-friendly interface is enough for me. :blush: I’m good as long as it’s easy to customize with my drawn lines and indicators. :sweat_smile:

As a platform, I use mt4 trading platform because it is fast and secure and I can easily use technical tools on this trading platform.

i use different economic calendars so it’s ok if broker doesn’t provide. only need to be able to trade.

Love this feature!

Oh cool. Is this with a regular retail broker? One click would be awesome. Wonder if Oanda has it.

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it’s about the platform, not the broker

(but i see the connection: when you use a broker, you’re limited to the platforms they offer, obviously!)

but i think even with nasty platforms like MetaTrader you can get an add-on, to do stuff like this? (surely?! otherwise who would use it?!)

Have you tried other platforms too or you just worked with MT4?

Personally, my trading workspace can get a bit crowded with all the charts I have open so having an economic calendar on the same platform might be a bit too much for me. :sweat_smile: Just realized this now as I’m looking at my charts and preparing to open a trade. :smiley: