Trading platforms

Have you come across any brokers with unique trading platforms or innovative tools that you find particularly attractive?

You could have a look at TD365 with minimal fixed spreads.

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What are you making understand by naming unique platform? I have been using mt4 trading platform with my broker.

I mean the broker’s trading platform rather than MT4/5.

Could you please clarify exactly what are you looking for ? I need more info on that

i can answer by “cheating” (if you don’t mind!?)

yes - Oanda - the platform there that they call “advanced charting” is great: it has many great tools and specifically is hugely better than MetaTrader in countless ways

the reason I’m “cheating” is that it isn’t really unique: it’s actually a white-label version of Tradin View (which Oanda keeps quiet about!) but it’s a way of getting the complete, top-of-the-range TradingView platform without paying for it (which TradingView keeps quiet about!)

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I only use Tradingview, to my opinion by far the best for charting/analysis.


TradingView’s charting and analysis capabilities are second to none.

I have access to a hedge fund platform, use mostly MT4/5 for trade entry and fundamental analysis, however that generates breakeven trades.

The algos are there to create the profits, make sure you don’t enter bad trades and also make sure you book profits at the correct time, but I target returns in a different category to you so you need something a little bit special.

What does it means by unique platform? In my little trading career, I found only two platforms provided by majority of the brokers and they are mt4 and mt5.

Certain brokers offer their proprietary trading platform.

an example is,

it’s their in-house tool and it was pretty good when i used until 2015. the problem with the in-house tools is that when it’s time to move to other brokers, then you need to spend time to learn their new tools. with commercially available platforms like mt4 and tradingview, you already know so you don’t need to learn from scratch when you move to a new broker.

It was really hard for me to get used to TradingView after trading on MT4 and 5. I understand the extraordinary functionality but sometimes less is more;)