Trading Risk Simulator

I put together a trading log to manage money and risk. I based this off of Adam Koo’s video series where as PIPs and prices are not counted, only R. R represents risk/reward in that with a risk to reward system you are always risking one R, for me it’s 1:1.5

I would like to ask for so me help with the trading risk simulator tab data.

Can anyone assist with a formula for the “Drawdown” data? I have a formula in there already, but I do not believe it is accurate.

I really like this simulator in that you can view how different risk profiles will affect your trading/balance and drawdown.
Any other improvements for this document would be appreciated.



Thank you for sharing this, I am going to use it and will come for feedback

Ooooh. :smiley: Thanks for sharing this! :smiley: Haha. I’ve been recently fond of sheets and efforts to record my trades. :sweat_smile: So maybe I could also check this out! :slight_smile: Thank you again. :blush: