Trading session

Do u trade After London close tò NY close?

i do, quite often - do you?

i think it has nearly as much to do with the individual trader’s time-zone, working hours and convenience as it does with market sessions, really

i trade more during the hours before that, when both London and NY are open at the same time, but there’s often enough volatility, volume and action after that to make it well worthwhile, too

the first hour or two after the London close can be a bit lacklustre (NY lunchtime?), but after that and towards the end of the NY session there can still be plenty of worthwhile trading - sometimes the last hour or hour-and-a-half of the NY session, in particular, can see some significant movements in the US indices, which can in turn have some knock-on effect on the currency markets, i think

… and welcome to the forum!

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Thank. No i currently trade only pre London. But After work I still have time to trade ( After London close).

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i hear you … i think there are often opportunities (especially on mid-week days) between about 7.30 and 9.00pm London time

Wich pairs do u trade during that time?

i trade futures, not spot (so they’re all effectively XYZ/USD) but i’ll trade whatever’s moving, especially EUR and GBP just because i prefer them, but USD/JPY can be worth watching, also, even at that time of day

Ok thanks a lot

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