Trading should be viewed as a serious business

There is a lot of talk about this, but what exactly does it mean?

You know that in order to launch a business, you’ll need some sort of financial backing and an official business plan.

You’d have a plan in place and be mindful of your cash flow if you set achievable goals.

You wouldn’t fritter away your “cash” by hiring too quickly, buying too much stock, or spending too much money on advertising.

However, the vast majority of traders don’t even bother with trading. Or they can prioritize preserving their financial stability.

Another problem is that they fail to think strategically about the future.

In doing so, they end up sabotaging their own long-term success by placing too much emphasis on short-term success.

The business world would never tolerate such behavior, right?

Nobody would risk starting or managing a business if they realized you understood nothing about it.

When people first become involved in trading, they often have unrealistic expectations. In fact, it’s not, and none of us here have any prior background in the subject.

So, to reiterate, would you start any other business without any prior training or knowledge?

In the beginning of this adventure, we are all starting out with another employment to fund trading, so most people can maintain the trading cash flow topped up.

Making money online cannot be guaranteed in any way. In order to produce consistent profits, however, forex trading must be approached with the same seriousness as any other business.

Trader is a lot like entrepreneurship in many respects. You need more than simply head knowledge and a brilliant concept.

Work, self-control, and the right frame of mind are also required.

You should think of your trading account as your own business and manage it as such if you want to succeed in foreign exchange trading.

Maintaining a stable profit margin is more important than trying for a quick buck when trading.

That reliability originates from, not unlike a business plan, establishing a strategy and sticking to it.

Losses should be accounted for as a necessary evil in business.

Your trader business plan will consist of the trading strategy and risk management you implement.

In the same way that successful companies carefully plan their goals and strategies for the upcoming year, setting goals and objectives that are both achievable and challenging can help guarantee your success.

No successful business ignores training and learning, therefore if you’re lacking in particular areas of training, it’s time to get a degree.

The growth of your business will be facilitated by your investment in the necessary resources. Although TradingView is without charge, I find that a more robust plan with access to more data is most useful.

Trading is the only business in which overhead and initial business are so minimal that you should consider compensated resources as an investment if they can help you reach the next level.

If you keep trading as a hobby, you will continue to incur significant financial losses.

When you begin to view trading as a business and adopt the same values and work ethic as prosperous corporations, you’ll find that profits flow in on their own.

For reading this, my sincere gratitude. If you have questions, please write them down below. Eventually, I’ll get back to you on that question.


Its a nice reality check exercise, even for non-newbies to interview yourself for the job of trader. These might be reasonable questions to ask the candidate, and these are just some of the responses that would lead to the interview entering an immediate downward spiral -

Q - So, what are you going to trade?
A - Anything. Everything.

Q - What will be your ROCE (by the way, that means return on capital employed)?
A - I’m not sure but the aim is to be a billionaire of course.

Q - That’s nice, but what is the strategy you will be using?
A - Oh I don’t want to be bound by a single strategy, I’m going to trade opportunities and special situations using a discretionary approach.

Q - In what time-frame?
A - All of them.

Feel free to add to this list…


Lol too accurate :joy:


Been there, done that, got the tshirt.

No bueno. Trading is most defintely a business. It should be treated as such. Do your research about taxes, insurance plans, retirement packages, salary, etc.

I read books about trading, taxes and business structure. It’s no joke. No, you can’t learn it all in youtube videos. Not in my opinion. They’re not comprehensive enough. Books are complete works and go way more in depth.

You can learn it all with a simple library card. Well, most of it. Even just going on ebay with $100 and buying used books will educate you immensely.


Agree, youtube videos are mostly crap and promotion. You can’t learn much from them. Get yourself good online library with finance books like Wiley and you will definitely get up to speed in a short period of time.


I use Libby! Idk if you’re in the US but it hooks up to your local library’s ebook selection!


I agree with you. Book has more useful information than YouTube videos. Every time I read a book, I always accumulate positive guideline for my trading journal.


I can assure you, from my personal hobbiest experience, that I am profitable, and would never incur significant financial losses. It really depends on a detached mindset, discipline, patience, and risk control, whether it’s a business or hobby.

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I agree. Trading is a real financial business and it should be considered as a real business unless they want to face any loss.


You should definitely take it seriously and stick to your rules. It’s not always easy though


I agree. Just because you are not making profits yet does not mean you should not educate yourself. It will be unfortunate to start turning a profit and there is no business structure to receive it. I’m not profitable yet, but I’m educating myself in anticipation.

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Frankly, BabyPips School is much better place to learn Forex! Besides, I see most of the YouTube channels promote fake trading system!

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Yes, I believe that traders who enter without a serious intention of working hard to make the necessary profit, often lose. Learning is very important and traders should focus on their end goals. With a proper plan and approach, traders can achieve their financial goals.

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Trading is as serious as any other business and good traders can live off trading monthly so people should never take it lightly.

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The forex market is so volatile that it can drain your whole trading account and even lead to debts if you are not serious about the trades.Your small mistake or carelessness can lead to heavy losses.

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Proper planning is required before entering the market. And you must have great strategies for initiating the trade. The more serious you take the trading business, the more are the chances for you to earn profit.


Trading is definitely a complex thing to do. If one wants to make casual one or two profits and gain a few bucks, they do not take trading seriously. But with forex, especially if you want to establish a good income, you need to take it seriously. Forex trading is the toughest market in the world, along with being the most profitable;e as well. This is because the market is global, and is controlled by central banks all over the world. We, as minor retail traders, in the huge massive market, need to be extremely cautious of how we are trading. As a trader, our first priority should be to preserve our capital and lessen/avoid risks.

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The ones who view trading as a serious business are only successful in this market. So, if trading is not done seriously it can lead to heavy losses.

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This was insightful, no doubt about that. If traders approach the market with a negative mindset hoping for things to fall in place, it won’t. Traders need to develop a positive mindset and be ready for change whenever the market conditions shift. This is definitely not a place to make quick money.

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They don’t treat their trading like a business, which is one of the major errors made by novice traders. Instead, they approach it as if they were visiting a casino, and many of them end up developing gambling addictions as opposed to being calm and logical traders. Trading would change if you approached it like any other business, and the outcomes would finally follow.

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