Trading the Alibaba IPO?


Is anyone planning on trading the Alibaba IPO this week? Considering the scale of the offering, I’m surprised there hasn’t been more media hype - I guess it hasn’t quite caught the public imagination in the way that Facebook’s did, as it’s a less familiar company outside of China?

Here’s a link to an article with ideas for strategies: 5 Ways to Trade the Alibaba IPO

A lot of the FX brokers who also offer CFDs and Spreadbets appear to have added BABA stock tracking instruments, so there’s a good chance you can do this with your current forex broker (Plus500 are one of the firms who I keep seeing Alibaba IPO ads for around the babypips forum).

If anyone has any ideas about how the IPO might affect currency pairs then please share them - I drew a complete blank on this! Likewise if you have your own trading plan for Alibaba that you’d like to share.

Kind regards,


hi Nick,

I think you opened your thread on the wrong forum. Your thread concerns stock trading. This forum is all about trading currencies, forex.

Hi Dutch Trader,

Sure it is - but there are plenty here who trade other things as well as forex who it might be of interest to - and everything’s so correlated nowadays - if people aren’t interested they can just ignore it :slight_smile:

Besides, I’m really interested in hearing people’s ideas about how an influx of $24 billion into equities (specifically, a company serving a Chinese market) will affect particular currency pairs . . .

It’s a big week, with today’s Fed announcement, the Scottish referendum, and the Alibaba IPO - no signs of a market-wide acceleration in volatility yet (although GBP got pretty dicey at the start of the month!) - if the outcomes are unexpected, what currency pairs are going to get spooked?

Kind regards,


It’s just unfortunate though that they don’t offer service to everyone. I mean all countries. Yet, they didn’t provide an explanation on their homepage.