Trading the indicators

Cable daily -

Aussie daily -

Why do it by hand…? :33: Because this…

Is different then what your autotrends drew for the Roo daily chart… :cool:

U/Cad 15 min chart - sitting on the trendline -

Thats right - and it does not have the indicators I use, trender bars, or displacements - pretty charts though - helpful most days - but will not get you from A to B - that is why I preferr the tradeinterceptor charts

in all fairness to the chart - it is the settings I applied to the indicator if I had asked it to set the trend for 10 bars back the trendlines would be different

Alright… I’ll forgive your platform then. I’m just jealous a computer can do what I can lol…

…then just for fun and to even out the field with your ea I can throw some expansion bar signals in to the miss

Alright here’s the loonie you are in love with… Like you said it’s toying with the trendline…

If the trendline holds… Watch the double top that was formed… Typically we’d see a nice clean break through of this when supported by a trendline…

teasing…lets look to see what euro is doing on jam hand charts - through the indicator, above 75ma and above the fib line now

If the double top on loony is broken you would most likely get 15 pips

But my EA is useful… Ha

U/Cad daily - it is not what the pair will catch in pips on the rise - but the effect of the breakout on the other pairs - because as you know the only way U/Cad can break is if the market reacts poorly tomorrow to Bernanke and sells off

yes you do and that is the one thing I do not have - I may envy you alittle bit for that - but I have great stickfigures and pretty charts - so there you go

Well go download FXone and I’ll give you the EA

I’m going to go long u/c at close of this 30 min bar if it closes above .99235

Sl at .9919

TP at .9945

Would you really help me…no its okay, I have traded this long without one -

Lol ok… Well when you decide to stop being stubborn I’ll give it to you, it will only work if you have the platform though… It’s free… At least google it and check it out

it may need a bar closing above that trendline

Did not get the close I wanted… No trade