Trading the indicators

U/Cad on the 1 hr. Holding above the 75ma and regression dots. However need a cross of the tenkan(light blue line) over the Kijun(purple) to confirm trend change.

U/Cad 3 min. Falling into the histogram may see a changing of the guard and Aussie rise alittle

Aussie 3min. On the rise as U/Cad falls back below the 1hr 75ma - see how far Aussie runs

U/Cad 0n the 3 min, nicely out of the histogram.

U/Cad on the 1hr - above the 75ma, looking for the tenkan(blue line) to cross the kijun(purple line) to confirm uptrend. First target .9956

3 min Euro

3min Aussie looking for support at its hull moving average

S&P 500 sliding below the indicators on the 1hr. If the S&P continues on this course U/Cad will rise and Aussie will decline. However S&P remains bullish above the 75 ma blackline.

Aussie 3min - below the indicators, however with the rounding bottom remains bullish till below 1.0410

S&P500 10 min

U/Cad 3 min on the move

Aussie 3 min

U/Cad on the 10 min with indicators crossing, however far from the 75MA

S&P 500, below the indicators looking for support at the 75ma, however the indicators have not crossed each other.

Kiwi on the 10 min with indicator cross over and below the 75ma. However no red bar at this time to indicate downtrend

U/Cad 10 min with transition yellow bar - see where this leads to. S&P bellow 75ma, barely, in unchanged timeframe.

Last chart - Swiss on the 10 min above the indicators - no cross - looking to see if base of range at .9615 will hold and return topside above .9750. No transition bar, still in short mode.

S&P 500 has continued to deteriorate into the Asian open - next target 1405

U/Cad 10 min now below the indicators however the indicators have not crossed - next target .9920, providing it can get above the indicators

Kiwi looking to hold ground on last met target of .8080, loses ground next target .8067