Hi Guys,
I have been following the SPX500 for over a year now and wanted to compare notes with the community.
As far as trading this CFD goes, I usually keep an eye on US news announcements and try to correlate its movements from the data that streams out. However, I find myself coming up short as far as usable indicators, signals and information go, I need more information.
As is obvious on the chart, the SPX has had a great run, plateaued and could potentially correct for a bit.
So, with all that said, I am curious as to what traders are using to keep tabs on the SPX, as far as market indicators go. Do you also keep time with Euro news? Are there any other tips, insights or general indicators that you have found has helped you in getting a bias as far as trading the SPX goes (other than the obvious massive trend it has been on)? I hope this thread can be a collection of good ideas as we help each other out. Cheers.