Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

IF 100 pips into a trade are simply amazing, what is a 300 pips trade? a 400 pips trade? a 700 pips trade?

There you go, Day Traders only

Here is Basket off all AUD and NZD cross pairs LONG, obviously, no AUDNZD



Hi Snowman Would be possible to tell us were You get these two indicators? I believe together wit the Dennis one would be really an excellent combination. Thank You

Thanks for the tip.

There ya go, 904 pips in open trades, now that’s strong / weak in a day folks, well, half an hour to close.

What should be next? Close all? Hang on for Friday close? Add on perhaps?


Hey @runyt, Snowman is attempting a “Snowjob” by not displaying the details of his miracle system.

Snowman can’t even be original even when he thinks he is…

All the info… posted 6 months ago for “his” strategy can be found in this thread…

The Supertrend Indicator can be found here (FREE) for MT4

It’s idiotic “oneupmanship” such as this that has me spending less & less time here…


LOL :rofl:

show me where any claims for system is made

as for showing details, I don’t see anyone showing any trades placed on a demo account to track this thread analysis

maybe if someone could do that rather than attack each and every post, people might see how it works, how much the drawdown is, where are the stops and take profits

thanks for the link, looks like a better place to post short term trading, might liven it up as the OP is not doing a very good job

I don’t post links due to possible threats of commercial interest. as for SuperTrend, well, there is the name and if you couldn’t find that on your own…

thanks for your concern

Another strong day for NZD and all three of our current Top SW trades with NZD were up again, but the big news was the nosedive of the Pound giving us a new NZD trade. let us take a long-term look at the GBPNZD daily chart. Back in 2015/2016 we had a steep 8,000 pip drop followed by a slow grind higher of about 3,700 pips, this is not a bullish, and todays break of support could be setting up for a retest of 1.7000



Mr. Snowman

May I suggest that you start your own thread as it is rude to post information that competes with the host of this thread and can be confusing to regular and new users of the thread. It is also clear from your many comments that the content of this thread is not to your liking, which is fine, what I do here is not for everyone. Hopefully you will find a thread that fits your needs and if not take my earlier advice and start your own thread.

Best wishes


yes, thanks, good luck and goodbye


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spot on analysis. awesome thread

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Hi Dennis,

It’s me again, what if your SW Rankings was coded as an indicator to give real time data, would that make any sense?

How many have heard of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, it refers to how people with just a little bit of knowledge of a subject view themselves as experts, while people with better than average knowledge realize just how much there is they don’t know. I think we have seen an example of the first part in a recent post on this thread. I included a good video below



Not to be picky, but doesn’t that chart represent the new trader to have more knowledge than then “Expert” - from a charting point of view of course :wink:

Whoops, just saw the x-axis which was blocked in the video control bar :zipper_mouth_face:…ignore me as usual!!

My New picture I think…


@anon46773462 Liked!
He’s back :man_dancing::man_dancing::dancer:

Here’s your strong weak on the GBPNZD for a few weeks back - NZD in blue.

I have taken the weekends out of my data -but Excel has put them back again on the chart ! and that accounts for some of the lengthier moves.

Can any one think of a way of using these to advantage ? I would think the "top / bottom pairs could be forecast earlier as it shows Differential movements - but as yet I’m unsure about it

Here’s the whole thing

Ideas please ?

yea yea, doesn’t take much… at the risk of making me look stupid!

@Falstaff, the best way to trade this type of CSM Indicator is when the currencies cross…

ie: On the Indicator during the 8/11 - 9/11 you can see that the GBP crossed below the USD signalling that the GBP is weakening against the USD, price should head to the south…

See GBPUSD (1 Hour) below…

The general rule of thumb is when currencies (lines) are further apart there is a trend in play, when moving close together the pair is ranging… This type of Indicator can be used in conjunction with Dennis’s SW Strategy as confirmation.

Just my 2 cents… hope it is of some help.


There was actually a great indicator for this, I used to worship it when I started out, and it still works to this day, but it was “high maintenance”. Called something similar to Cross Currency Divergence. You overlapped two highly correlated currency pairs, and just like you would read an RSI for example per se (although I’m not an advocate of the RSI), you would look for similar behaviourism. So perhaps GBP.USD vs EUR.USD. Look for when one makes a new lower low for the period and the other pair does not. Since they are highly correlated you would then ask yourself the question “why is the other highly correlated pair not following the same scene”…. I’ll leave the rest with you…

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Ok Thanks @Trendswithbenefits - The chart I posted was just @Dennis3450 figures graphed out - so his analysis would concur by definition. :wink:

But yes mate - your 2 cents is greatly appreciated here.

SO here is the GBPUSD showing that crossover and a number of others. Some of which whipsawed and some didn’t - but hey gbp is hardly the most stable currency just at the moment. Your hourly of the 10th seems really quite convincing tho’ ! :sunglasses: