Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

Go away!!!

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Snowman how did you configure the CMSM v19.01 to comform with Finviz 1Day relative performance. please help

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I donā€™t, they are 2 separate things, they never meet

Here is day trading strong vs weak

And using a sneaky, low risk entry on 15M

All open trades with similar technique

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It is tempting during slow times to look for new strategies but for those with patients, SW continues to point the way. Here our current Top SW Trade is on the move again, up over 350 pips from its entry point on Feb 19. And for the benefit of you know who the max drawdown would have been 70 pips before the uptrend resumed


All due respect to @Dennis3450 for a wonderful thread but I hope he wont be offended if we talk about this one as it will also help other traders as well, like what Dennis always did for the past 3-5yrs.

@Trendswithbenefits, thank you trends. That was an eye opener for a lot of us. I have a few question. Do you base the movement of a pair on a weekly basis? I mean lets say for example this week, the start of trading day is the 25th. So you base the percentage movement off of the 25th results the whole week?

Next week monday is the 4th, so that would be another based day?

I hope you can understand my question.

Thank you

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Oh no Iā€™m afraid not. As I have remembered from memory post that Dennis wants to know how others trade his SW rankings.

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Is this a reply to a troll that is yet to happen? :grinning:

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This didnā€™t age wellā€¦

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Can be used as reference for what not to do some weeks, in no way was I endorsing anything, maybe they need to study the guidelines list :smiley:

Pound continues to roll, if not already in a GBP trade remember last one at the party has to pay the caterer




Hello Mr Dennis, was just wondering, why did you choose to use JPY as your reference point when taking your strong/weak ranking?
Would it not have been better if you compare all 28pairs with each other?
I mean no disrespect, just trying to understand why you do things the way you do.
Once again, I mean no disrespect, youā€™re the boss. Iā€™ve seen the success of your trading, and its outstanding, I just donā€™t understand why you choose to do your Strong/weak ranking with just the JPY pairs.

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He choose it for easy calculation, as the JPY is the Quote currency (right side)

The EUR would also be easy as it is the Base currency (left)

Speaking of the 7 majors of course

But in reality, using a spreadsheet to make the calculation, all calculations are easy

In fact, any currency can be used

And the results will all be the same, no advantage

Take the time to drag the scroll bar up to post 1267

There are even more posts than that one if you have time to read the thread

Good luck


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All questions have been asked and answered before, read the thread, take notes, be patient, take charge of the keyboard, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, be the Master of Your Destiny!

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As was pointed out, it doesnā€™t matter which currency is used when calculating Dennisā€™ numbers.

However, if you graph the trend of currencies over time, JPY always stays flat. Note the dashed purple line.

Someone had mentioned calculating Dennisā€™ numbers using XAU as the pivot currency, but my broker doesnā€™t have XAU cross pairs. Oh well.

Iā€™m still trying to wrap my head around if @Trendswithbenefitsā€™ methodology works with JPY since it appears he looks for the currency with the greatest and least moves from the past day. JPY is always zero minus zero so how is that handled?


It works like this, negative numbers are allowed



Why is Dennis not doing the strong/weak analyses with the 28pairs, I mean, checking GBP strength with its 7pairs, before deciding if it is strong/weak, instead of just checking itā€™s strength with JPY.

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Hereā€™s a twist or two on the strong/weak analysis, using indexes that I just found today. Click on ā€œTrend-Followingā€ just above the list of currencies/pairs.

  1. The indexes are best used EOD, as they only run for about 9 hours. Thereā€™s the current level, and the 20, 50, and 200 day SMAs. I prefer using the 20 day SMA to Dennisā€™s 33.3 day SMA (4hr * 200 = 800 hours = 33.3 days) for monthly analysis.

  2. The exotics are interesting, in particular the ZAR. And ZAR is even weaker than JPY. Do the SW analysis using EURZAR, GBPZAR, USDZAR and ZARJPY, and youā€™ll see for yourself.

  3. ZARā€™s ā€œIntermediateā€ cycle topped on Feb 1, and it will continue weak for a while. So I went long GBPZAR, took profits on all but one tranche (core position), and waiting to reload for the larger move up. GBP looks like it has continued strength.

  4. After GBP tops, I plan to continue shorting the floundering ZAR, against whatever is strong. I suspect that may be USD, but it should be clear at that time.


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You need to understand how CSW works first.

They are 8 major currencies, the combination of these currencies in pairs gives the 28 majors/minors.

Now, it doesnā€™t matter what currency is used as base currency for the calculations, the ranking will always stay the same. The percentages will differ but the ranking will be the same.

So you canā€™t say Dennis is just checking the strength of GBP with just JPY to determine if it is strong or weak because the other majors too where had their strength checked with the JPY.

Bottom line. He canā€™t check the strength with currency pairs, he checks the strength with individual currencies. Combining these currencies according to their strength and weakness will give you a pair to trade.

Hope this clears things upā€¦

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Please can you screen shot your strong weak ranking from the beginning of this year till date, and paste it here?

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The resident troll, yeah?

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