Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

The beauty of my system is I know exactly how all 28 pairs relate to each other just by looking at my rankings ,


every Sunday I post the whole week Friday to Friday, that will give you all the years data without me needing to fill two pages with data


Okay, tanks Mr Dennis

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Not much new except NZD has taken a pretty good hit these last few days



Ha Ha. I enjoy your commentary. How do we determine the entry point with this strategy?

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Hi Tigranes you can establish JPY movement relative to the others,using some matric math. Calculate the average of all the strengths including 0 for JPY. Subtract the average from each individual pair. Now you have the movement of each carrency only with the average of all the rest. Now you have average = 0 and JPY the average. Now plot this on Excel and JPY is ouy of the picture. But in the end there is no difference unless you like looking at charts which give a better picture.


So un-normalize JPY, so to speak. Subtracting an average from each currency makes sense.

Arguably, that is all technical analysis indicators gives you, i.e. a better picture of the past. :grinning:

Thanks for the response, @gord0n

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It’s all about the CAD


Lots of the thread readers would like a strategy. Well here is mine that produced 8 trades with 6 closed winners hitting the TP or modified stops. Thanks to Dennis for strong to weak analysis part I pair off the strongest to weakest and go to the pair chart 1hour.On the last hour of NY trading I draw a horizontal line midway between the high and low and 1 line 30 pips above then 1line 30 pips below.At these 2 lines firstly noting where the 200 SMA is I place 4 pending trades.2 are buy and 2 are sell.1 of the 2 buys has a TP of 50 pips and the second a TP of 100 pips. The strongest to weakest has to be greater than 2%.The other 2 trades did not hit TP but I never leave trades over the weekend however these did take 3 to 5% profit.Once again thanks Dennis for your supreme work.


Not much new? Have you noticed where the CHF went ;-). That has been hanging at the bottom for weeks, and shot up all of a sudden.

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Had a bit of fun with my connection. Here is the part that missed out. The 2 sell trades are the Same as the buys with 50 and 100 TP. If the buy trades trigger then I cancel the Sell trades. At 45 pips profit I move the SL to break even. SL on all my trades was set at 50 pips. I normally find that if I start this strategy directly after Dennis has released the session analysis that the trades mature within the London trades time.


Nice trade idea, would you mind showing us the charts and how you draw those lines and TP’s?

Thank you K!


You just hover over the closed candle and record the high and low. Take the high from the low then divide by 2. Add this to the low or take away from the high, the result will be the same. Draw your mid point line. Add 30 pips to the mid point line and draw in. This where your buy trades will trigger from when you place the buy orders. Then take 30 pips away from the mid point, draw the sell line and here you place the 2 sell trades. The trend if there is one will be apparent which will trigger the appropriate pending orders. That is all there is to it.


Sounds promising, would it be too much maybe you can use “loom” (easy to use screen recording software) screenshots in the upcoming days? some people are more visual learners. I want to test this out and get some people out the rat race :stuck_out_tongue:

Loom = YouTube (3:22 min vid tutorial)

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Sorry, but I do not trust this software. The strategy is simple and there are tons of utube videos about drawing lines on the preferred trading platform’s.


Month two is now behind us, While there is a lot of back and forth movement between #2 through #7 #1/8 has stayed true. Looking at our Top SW Trade GBPJPY we topped the +400 pip mark on Friday, Short term it looks like it wants to pull back but the longer term trend driven by that huge +600 pip Pin Bar reversal back on January 3rd is still to the upside.



That is up to each trader, My rankings will point you to the Strongest/Weakest and everything in between. I track each new #1/8 pair we get using the closing price of the day it became a Top Trade as my entry point for measuring its performance. Over the years this simple strategy has lead to a lot of great trades. What I tell everyone is to make it their own strategy by adding entry/exit rules to fit their own trading style.


I’ve watched this similar strategy on youtube by janna, If i remembered her name correctly. If i may ask how long have you tried this method?

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About 3 years.


Still amazing info here except for the odd troll post.

My method using this formula now says the JPY will go to the strongest… How long it will take, I’m not sure but going to ride it out with the USD

Just testing this idea using Dennis’s formula… Will update when I have had some sleep (4.25am)