Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

Last week trend: Risk Off Mode.
Still has downtrend space for all indexes and gold, silver commodity.

Bad week for US stocks, Currencies a bit easier as you just needed to be short AUD



Good day for stocks and most Yen pairs, tomorrow will be the big one, we could see some late day moves based on exit polls,

Who will I be voting for, Hint; I will be voting against the Military-Industrial Complex, Big Pharma and China, now what candidate is in bed with all three of them? If you don’t know that answer then you should not be voting


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I seem to remember you verbally chastised me for mentioning politics on your thread? Looks like you’re breaking your own rules Dennis.

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Disappointing, the search doesn’t reveal much of anything


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Excellent thread guys, does anyone know any other thread like Dennis which is of the same quality?

It is my thread after all, I hope I did not chastised you but merely suggest a better thread for political commentary. Now seeing how the election of a US President can have such an effect on the markets totally ignoring it would not be keeping to my rules either.

Be ready for a few more political post today as I expect some big market moves related to the election

Thank Deutsche Bank

election cheat sheet

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Your taking advise from Deutche Bank, are they not on life support

as I said yesterday, expect some wild moves today and we are getting them


They didn’t even give the scenario with Trump winning, so I agree, they are pretty crap!

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It may take a few days for the markets to sort things out and start trending but one thing is for certain the big winners last night were China and Big Tech, May God help us all


China up USD down

NZDUSD is our new Top Trade but I will be playing it as AUDUSD, see chart below, classic “W” pattern breakout

I would offer you the political reason for this but someone thinks I should not discuss politics on my own thread so you will need to find me over on the Political Opinion thread for my comments




miserable mick. dont listen to the junk. your thread, your rules. dont have time for sore butts like micks.

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i do have a buy limit on the au/us .7200. also straight buy .7278

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Here is my trading office, You don’t need to be glued to a computer screen 16 hours a day, get out and live, the market will be just fine


Thats a nice office!!! Entered first long on AUD at 0.7180 with subsequent add on at 0.7195. First long closed for the weekend to bank some profits and wary of gaps over the weekend due to elections. Will re-enter to continue long at 0.7270 if there no major gap on Monday.

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As expected it was a wild week, we might get some more good moves next week but this market likes to zig zag a lot so be prepared for pullbacks

I am posting this early as I will be on vacation next week, if I have internet I will continue to post, if not I will be back Friday


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Next week trend: Risk On Mode.

Risk on is right

anything Tech, China or Healthcare will be hot as these sectors look for payback from the President they just bought

Massive new round of money printing will also be good for gold prices

Welcome to a “Brave New World”

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