Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

Not much change during the week and Top Trade NZDUSD keeps inching higher peaking at +184 pips

But the excitement this week has been in Bitcoin, please tell me everyone here owns at least a small bit



Top Trade NZDUSD is on the rise nearing the +200 pip mark


All Yen pairs up today, lead by GBP


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Top Trade NZDUSD blows through the +200 Pip mark

Strong NZD and a weak Dollar would normally mean a rally in Gold, but gold continues to fall


Top Trade NZDUSD up +250 pips


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**Happy Thanksgiving everyone **

strong textimage

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Super thankful Dennis for all that you’ve contributed to helping others profit from your SW system. Over the years, I’ve been consistently profitable following your guidance and can’t imagine how many more blown accounts I’d have had it not been for accidentally finding this thread!


AUDUSD is up 100 pips and NZDUSD is up 250 so the S/W was spot on


Most of my other trades are closed in profit but NZD still open. Looking good for this week again!

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the short sell didn’t last long, but taking a weekly breakout long or using that as the stop for S/W gives a better result

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Strong Weak keeps the pips coming, NZDUSD up 270 pips

Glad to hear from some of you making pips using SW, I have been doing this for going on 10 years and it still works, there will be a couple of bad months every year but if you stick with it the wining months more than makeup for the bad months

I am looking forward to 2021 and more great trades




Pullback day, the Week after Thanksgiving tends to be a down week for stocks, then we will look for our Santa rally, maybe



I can see that the market is facing quite a negative phase because of all this situation of COVID-19. I hope that it does not end up hitting the extreme volatility and the conditions might improve in the coming month or so.

The forum community here has actually got some helpful real-time information that could help a person work on better decision-making. I can see that AUD NZD is going a little weak this time and thus in my recommendation going with other currency pairs would be a better approach.

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NZD grows stronger as Top Trade NZDUSD hits +300 pips

The whole European sector caught a bid today, Santa rally may come early this year


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this all depends on your time horizon , if you are looking to get in and out with in the same hour then this thread is not going to be very helpful, if you are an end of day Trader and would like to be in trade for days or even weeks then my SW ranking based on the 4hr chart and 200ma is going to give you high probability trades


While not a Top SW trade EURUSD does meet our 2% requirement and that is a powerful breakout move we had today



All my remaining NZD trades closed at target today. Strength of NZD is still pretty amazing so looking to enter again at break of high against the Yen.
EUR, GBP and CHF were bid on all sessions, may make a good trade against any of the weaker currencies. Orders are in, rest is for the market to do.

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While we are talking about EUR, also have a look at EUR and GBP forming cup and handle against the Yen.