Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

It’s super simple stuff, look at the charts, specifically the DAY candles

Up one day, down the next, is there a trend, can you handle the drawdowns?

200MA is slow, day traders need to know the strong vs weak TODAY

How much did you make on Friday?

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I think you’ve misunderstood the math used in this analysis. Maybe you can revisit it and make a more constructive argument instead of posting random screenshots. Or perhaps make a thread just for daytraders like you.

There was a lot of gains for JPY & CHF yesterday with money moving to safer currencies on the back of a severe drop in the Michigan Sentiment Index (apparently lowest in 11 years). If you’d gotten on the dip even an hour after the results were announced you could’ve got a fair share of pips.

Edit: - Just went back and you obviously know the math. You just have a long history of trolling the thread it seems. Cherry picking a few currency pairs here and there instead of a more comprehensive analysis is pretty stupid.

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I realize showing actual trades and real money profits is unusual in this thread but is that really trolling and stupid?

Each to his own I guess.

Don’t make assumptions. The stupid part is cherry picking random currency pairs to conform to your bias. If you genuinely wanted to disprove the basis for this thread you could easily this system against the 28 pairs for an extended duration and provide a more conclusive basis for your argument instead of trolling this thread for months. Cherry picking two currency pairs on a really bad day (lowest Sentiment Index reading in 11 years) that went against the findings just proves you don’t know how to test a system. That you are willing to let outliers affect your decision making process.

You could open your own thread and make your arguments instead of continuously undermining the efforts of someone else. But you choose not to do it.

Where is the cherry picking you speak of?

I traded the day’s strong currency CHF against the day’s weak currency CAD by choice; it was so obvious, not a random pick at all.

A really bad day? Some pairs moved nearly twice the daily average; movement is required to make money.

I don’t really know what your problem is.

Still cherry picking. Do the analysis for all the currency pairs for a longer period of time. That’s more conclusive.

Even if all 28 currency pairs worked worked against this day’s data is enough to disprove this thread? Is that how you test your systems? 100% or bust?

No problem. Just wondering why you’re so hell-bent on disproving the findings of this thread over months. What’s your obsession with it?

Analysis long term, sure, let’s see what open trades you have…

You’re the one obsessed with proving and disproving BTW


So what was the point of your months long argument in this thread if you’ve got no concrete findings or method to prove your point?

If you’re intention is to disprove the findings on this thread please do a methodical test. Take the 28 pairs and test is over a 6 month span atleast. Outline your rules and method. It’s more conclusive and will serve to validate your claims.

Otherwise you’re not really making any point to be honest.

Last post. Don’t want to contribute to any further spam.

I don’t see any issue here.
I like the value @Dennis3450 & @FOK and others provide.
Dennis clearly states his style is long-term, but I’ve noticed he respects other insights.
That’s what I like about this thread.
All this discussion keeps us all sharp as iron sharps iron.
Ive seen many other dead threads here with probably fake screenshots and one-sided monologue.
So each to his own. Go dig it! :wink:


Again, for some reason known only to you, you think that there is a conspiracy plan by me to disprove the concept of this thread.

Quite the contrary, what I have posted is exactly what the thread is about - trading strong currency versus weak currency.

That is on a shorter time frame, maybe your beef is about that?

It seems to me that you should be asking for proof that the long term method works. The way the market is during the summer, many moves in a direction are immediately wiped out by reversals over the next days.

Do you really believe that there are traders here that can actually enter a trade based on the 200SMA, and then hold for 100, 200 pips drawdown? They might, but I guarantee you, it will only be on demo or 0.01 - nothing that I would classify as trading to make money.

So you ultimately agree with the results and the validity of this thread? Then your posts are meant to achieve or bring awareness to what exactly?

No, I’m asking you to prove whatever it is your claiming with numbers and an easily understood methodology. Dennis has put up his method, answers queries, opens to criticism and is peer reviewed to a certain extent in atleast 2 other threads.

Why can’t you do the same thing with whatever your claiming? It’s not rocket science.

I have no beef. I’m just critical of what you consider to be a valid test. Your testing so far has been posting cherry picked screenshots. No facts or figures. Valid criticism. No reason to get offended. If you’d actually come out and said out of the 28 currencies 10-15 of them didn’t comply with the analysis it would’ve been a meaningful criticism. Even then it’s only for a day and it’s not significant.

Cherry picking two currencies and pointed at some trades you made money in is something youtube gurus do.

Yen is back on top and Top Trade from July 8th AUDJPY is back in play



Ugly day in Stocks as most sectors were down, but if you were short our Top Trade AUDJPY* you made money today



Not much happening



Added AUDCHF to my watch-list when this came up and waited for a pull-back to enter. Very satisfying trade I could not help but share it :slight_smile: . Did close 50% of the position at 0.66271. Still only on a demo whilst I practice the strategy.


As US stocks correct and JPY and USD remain strong we have some nice trends in our Top Trades, one of those being AUDUSD short, this trade started on the 24th of June, this one was a bit unusual as we got the signal on the 4th day of a pullback, Now down 400+ pips from the entry point. I love these trades that last for months. No reason to be staring at the computer screen all day when you can put on a trade and get out and enjoy life


Excellent , you had a nice down trend and shorted on the pullback, that is how this game is played

Take your pick AUDJPY* or AUDUSD* both are killing it right now.

Note, we did have a small reversal in Stocks today, so a pullback in our Top Trades could be coming



Hi Dennis thanks very much for your commitment to this thread. I’ve spent a good part of the day reading through your posts from 2015 onwards and watching some videos you posted on youtube and its good to see how your advice has remained consistent the whole time. No chopping or changing or tweaking. Just sticking to the plan. anyway its getting quite late here and I need to stop reading your posts and go to bed. I have one burning question though. I tried finding it myself but i cant really see any reference to it. How do you generally manage/exit your trades if you dont mind me asking? I have a good idea of how i would manage it myself but i would really appreciate your take on it so i can compare when i begin to manually backtest this. any sort of insight would be really appreciated. Thanks again, all the best.

