Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

it all depends on your time frame, too many indicators on your screen is going to make you miss the price action, Price is what we are paid on , not the ma

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That is new information to me, I just learned a few things there. I did not know Forex is tied to the NYC time. Thanks for letting me know.

Just one more, as I did not quite get it, are you using the close of the daily candles at 5pm est? Or the 4H candle close for your calculations?

Thank you for all the information

I only use 3 ma’s, the 50, 100 and 200. I have no other indicators on the screen.

I did not even read past the first line.

If you are going to behave like that theres no point in you replying.

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Next time, be less condescending and simply answer the question.

Or refrain from posting, it will save my time.

Thank you

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Also, that is not the first time you have behaved like that on this thread.

@Dennis3450 takes his reading from the last 4H candle of the day. The last 4H candle is also the 6th 4H candle. It usually has the same close price as the daily close price.

There’s, therefore, no need to be confused. Just pick a JPY pair, throw on your 200sma, and switch to the 4H time frame. Take your reading for the calculation from there.

Looks like the gbp was the big winner today. I am watching to go long gbpjpy for interest sake.

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Santa rally is continuing as I predicted

S&P 500 at another all- time high



I also like gbpnzd long!!! Watching that one closely

just bought gbp usd, fits in with the strength meter too :). I closed my nzd usd buy in profit though which is good

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I did my strong weak early since i dont forsee changes to the close…and gbp will remain the top and nzd will probably be at the bottom. I will look again at the close.


Gbp is the strongest still with the jpy the weakest and nzd the second weakest. chf moved up to the second strongest now…very interesting.


Small pullback today, US stocks mixed. Nothing has changed


Dennis what trade are you in??

hi dennis i think it might be more than a pullback, I think gbp pairs are set to fall, it was bullish earlier but just flipped, so i sold gbp pairs

The monster is awake and very very huuuuuuuuuungry!!!

Another green day for Yen pairs as GPYJPY is again our top trade

I understand US markets are open on Dec 31st so we should have a good run this week



Very profitable to be long the monster…im also liking gbpcad here as the cad is getting weaker by my count as well.

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i agree the pound looks strong, looks like a long bullish trend starting from today ey

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