Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

All yen pairs up this week



Welcome back Dennis, my ranking remains the same, it’s a close race until Jackson Hole, USD has made the stealth move to strong, can it hold it?


No change in rankings, Stocks up and now positive for the week



iinteresting i get usd strongest but nzd weakest…interesting. So how do you enter trades???

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Same here, check the percentage order Dennis, do you use Excel to sort or copy & paste the values?

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That’s a very personal, individual decision that each trader must make by himself. There are so many ways to trade, from daily to 5-minutes chart, I doubt anyone could follow any entry even if there was one posted.

This thread shows a market condition and not an exact trading system per se.

I use the low of the “signal” day for tracking purposes, as per this chart.

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ok fair enough FOK… THAT is what i thought. I guess it depends on the individual…the NZDUSD looks interesting with a few confluences and since it is the strongest weakest that i get based on the strategy.


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NZDUSD, very tricky, it’s so low now, there was a “signal” way back on June 1 that went 400 pips the wrong way, and the current “signal” is not good yet either.

And the market fundamentals may change drastically depending on the Jackson Hole fishing trip coming soon. For now, retracement entry seems to be better than the usual breakout method.

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yes i think the nzd can be spikey and tricky to trade but we will see. Yes Jackson hole is a big event risk…you are correct sir.


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@TravisN The issue with this paring is their comparable strengths in the Majors…

The USD is possibly the strongest standalone Currency of the eight Majors…

With the NZD ranking in as arguably one of the weakest… Arguably because of the current performance of the JPY.

So even if NZD was @ position 1 and the USD was situated @ position 8… It would be a brave trader that would attempt to trade this opportunity over the longer time frames…


yes i got the same order as you FOK!!! :grinning:

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Might be tough since the interest rate differential favors the nzd so traders that play the carry trade will buy the nzd over the usd.

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Possibly… But my bet would stay with USD… The NZDUSD is such a volatile propersition.

More foreign Investment would flow into the USD on a bad day than would flow into the NZD on a great week…


Yes, the order is exactly the same, I was referring to his sorting, seems to be a glitch in the matrix, how about the CAD?


Exactly, take the CHFJPY, best “signal” of the year, but who has been holding it since April?

But you can find entries on lower time frame, such as the 4-Hour, perhaps with RSI.

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I didnt notice that . However, Dennis has aud as weakest while you and I have Nzd as weakest. Not that it really matters both are pretty weak. That is all i was pointing out.


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Stocks go negative for the week, Currencies stay unchanged except for AUD and NZD, as these two continue their arm wrestle for last place



i shorted nzdusd yesterday since that was my strong weak pair and it is again today as strength for the usd across the board and weakness for the nzd continues and am doing very welll…up 50 pips.


Ditto, come on Jackson Hole, upset the apple cart, I dare you!


Don’t jinx it!!

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