Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

Democrats :yum: it is really the only thing they are good for


US stocks took a hit today which was good for the Yen as it finished above all others, yesterdays leader Euro was hit the hardest, and what has been a recent trend the CHF did best against the Yen and Top Trade AUDCHF cracked the +200 Pip mark, last two SW trades have both topped +200 pips, lets keep that trend going

Note, September can be a bad month for US stocks, if that plays out, look for a strong Yen


We continue to ride the AUDCHF* down, look at that 3-day pullback at the beginning of the week, classic bear flag


For once I am on time and the system is down for maintenance, oh well

We saw lots of love for the Pound today as it races to unseat CHF, Pound was #8 just a week ago



Down day for Yen as US stocks rally


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some consolidation happening and a little strength in comodity currencies



Hey D, whats up. Thanks again for the thread. Anywho, someone is claiming you are booking 25% per month, just to let you know.

The Ever Ear On The Rail VIPER


sorry to disappoint, only huge phantom pips to be seen here, everyone takes a look, then canā€™t be bothered to even trial a demo, so they move along. Who can show some results for even 1 lonely trade, not even the OP, how hard can it be? why does he even bother?

I beg to disagree. Iā€™m continuing to book profits! Why would anyone need to show someone else their trades? Nothing is for sell, nor is the SW system subscription based. Use the SW for guidance/fundamentals then look for technical reasons to be in the trade.

This is not a Welfare/Medicaid thread. Put your big boy pants on and study like we all have!


disagree all you want, but Iā€™m still not seeing anyone post up any actual trades placed and held open for the days required, not even on demo. you go ahead and believe all you want, Forex is full of witch doctors and

and if you donā€™t contribute, your just like every other klingon reading this thread ha ha ha

@The_Snowman Please kindly remove this thread from your watch list, You canā€™t be with us if you are against us.


O come on, a guy come in here and asks you to think about it logically and all you got is to say is pizz off?

why hasnā€™t anyone done any follow up? Everyone wants the holey grill and here it is but not enough energy even to act on it? wow, better find some help for that procrastination problem one of these days! YeeHaa

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@The_Snowman Please go your way and leave us in freedom


@The_Snowman you could always demo this yourself, and post the results, or are you too afraid of a positive outcome, or are you like most beginners in forex, wish to be spoon fed, not have to do any work, and want some else to do it for you. If you donā€™t have anything positive to say, then why bother.


Yes exactly jaystarks. Look there are trolls everywhere. They have to write nonsense to try and feel relevant. Likely no-one listens to them in their own life. Best bet is to simply not respond and increase their sense of irrelevance. I find this thread useful. It is the only one I subscribe to. Incidentally bpips is a shadow of its former self. When I was regularly posting a few years back it was active and invigorating with professional traders giving real guidance on how to develop your understanding of the market. The way it is going it looks like its days are numbered which is unfortunate


Its not an unfair question Snowman, but I always think its the wrong one. The mark of a good trader is the quality of their strategy, which is born out of the quality of their analysis. Thatā€™s the real work and thatā€™s where the real skills lie. This is demonstrated by publishing the strategy and opening it up for criticism (and others to run with).

Iā€™ve posted here and elsewhere various strategies Iā€™ve found/developed/been using over the years. It honestly doesnā€™t matter whether I make a hundred quid from one of these or a thousand, its the strategy thatā€™s important. And if someone makes a thousand where I only make a hundred, what do I care what they do?

The other side of the coin is that posting trades without posting a strategy is just futile.


I regret not going on the AUDCHF on the 25/08/2018 but I am still testing against other signals/indicators I use. I will go in the next one definitely, possibly straight away! edit -29/08/2018 even!

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hey bud, how is it you can make outrageous post and Iā€™m the one that gets picked on?