Trading time frames

Hello everyone please my kindly help me understand what it means to enter a trade in e.g M15 time frame. Does this mean the trade will only be profitable for 15 minutes? I have been reading but this part confuses me

The timeframe just denotes to how long each candlestick represents.

So on m15: each candlestick is 15minutes.
M5 each candlestick is 5 mins
And so on.

Time frame defines how long will the candlestick last. When the 15 minutes ends new candlestick will appear.

When you trade on M15 it just means you are looking at 15 minutes candlestick. The order will not close or be deleted after 15 minutes.

Here is the image that shows the trade open on M15 and each candlestick you see represents 15 minutes.M15 time frame

A trade will be profitable as long the price is moving in your direction.
A candlestick represents how the price has moved during a set period of time - 15 mins for the 15min time-frame, a day for the 1D time-frame, etc. Your strategy can be based on the signals you see on a certain time-frame, but switching time frames once the trade has been opened does not change the end result.
That said, I recommend going through the Education section here on Babypips which explains this and many other things.