Tradkng forex in iran

I have been trading forex for about a year and a half now. Here in iran mentrs are really hard to find.
I started from this website and after 1.5 years gaining nothing. And im back here again. I know no one would give away their hard learned system i don’t expect anyone to do so. But I’m feeling alone in this journey.
I’ve read weiner eliotte system couldn’t do it successfully. I’ve read many books on this topic. Recently been trading ed price action with bob volmans system and I’m still using his method.
Still losing money day by day and my success rate is hardly 30%.
Just someone tell me what is the problem.
Did anyone have the same experience?

can you please share something about the money management that you always follow ?

So you are loosing money for like 1.5 year strict and how many hours a day do you work on that ? I see that you get something like 100-30 percantage ROI, i.e. -70 %, what have you done to fix that ? It’s something which may needs to be fixed for sure.

still there is no answer , sounds not good and active.

this is the same case with me. always lose playing forex.

loss is a thing in Fx that we cant avoid in spite of passing a long time , so we have to keep a strong mentality to face it. otherwise no way to survive for a long time.

Oh my. My friend I hope you read my reply. I’ve been away from the market for some time, didn’t reply. I found out what my problem was. I used stops that were too tight and I traded excessively.