Hey everyone! I am new to forex trading and outside of the things I have learned by reading posts/blogs/videos etc…I decided to pick up a training system that I found online for around 800 dollars but would be willing to hear what others are using to, I guess, become better at their craft. I started the training and I found it informative and thorough but would love other ideas. I am not one to just focus on one “system” I want to build a tool box of skills. Any help would be great. Feel free to PM me too.
read tom williams “master the market”
Is there a website to it? I purchased master your forex and would like to compare the program offerings. Thanks for your response.
Opted for Bill Polous walk-a-through - though I would recommend this only for advanced traders and worth the price tag. Did do a rethink when I heard about it on the first go, but opted to join and love the classes, perfect to hone that edge.
Thank you for the information. Even though I have been reading up and studying, the materials I have right now are a great start guide and at the same time provides very advanced prospective. I will look into your recommendation but master your forex has been a great start. I’m excited about Forex.
The best book I read when I was getting started was “Beat the Odds in Forex Trading: How to identify and Profit from High Percentage Market Patterns” by Toshchakov 2006. It does a good job of clearly explaining the basics and includes objective, profitable entry/exit strategies. Most of the other books cover the concepts behind a good strategy but this one does a good job of showing you what to actually look for. I am sure you can find it for free online if you look. Good luck in your future trading and feel free to contact me if you have any specific questions.
You’re welcome and remember, the course I’d suggested is for advanced traders only since it will be of no use for newbies…
There’s a lot of free info on beginner courses, both here on bpips and elsewhere online…would suggest you opt for the paid option a little later but make sure the book/course is the real deal and not someone peddling trash…
Good luck and believe me, that part about being excited, that never goes away…
Thanks for all of the insight. I did all my research prior to buying the master your forex program and so far I have loved every second of the videos so I feel like it was money well invested. The guy even updates his blog daily so I don’t feel like I “got dupped”. I will keep you guys posted, thanks again for the information.
Be wary of adding too many tools to your toolbox. When I first started learning forex, I took the same approach. I felt that the more I knew, the better equipped I would be to succeed. It took some time for me to realize that this was the wrong mentality to take in.
Forex is a discipline of knowledge where it is better to focus on your specific strategy and skill-set to master it rather than trying to encompass a large body of knowledge. To put it another way- let’s say you were an auto mechanic. You know how to work on cars and do a great job at it. Now- can you take those skills and go work on an airplane? To a degree. Many of the principles are the same but an airplane is a different beast with different points of importance. What you learned as an auto mechanic may be somewhat applicable, but you can’t just make the transition and be a master airplane mechanic without much more work.
Forex is the same way. There are so many different ways to trade, indicators, and systems that understanding one system does not mean much towards understanding others. Yeah it may help, but chances are pretty good the additional information is going to cause problems for you since everything doesn’t cleanly apply back and forth. If you try to apply superfluous information to your primary strategy, there’s a good chance you’re going to mess up the Edge it gives you.
If you’re an auto mechanic, be the best auto mechanic you can. Read everything and learn everything that is relevant to your chosen strategy. Since you paid for a course, you should ask him what reading/learning materials will help you master his strategy.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that everything else you learn will be applicable to your strategy. It can be very harmful.
I’m going to second Michael’s post, yes, most of the traders who do take up advanced courses, pref to concentrate on one thing only - how to fine tune their strategy and what mistakes to avoid.
One thing to remember, when it comes to forex, one size does not fit all…what works for others may not necessarily work for you…simply put, you can cop a strategy from a course but do not make the mistake of blindly following every move without figuring out the “why”