Triple threat exit strategy

Rpotor, I could not load and attach the EAs to the charts. have the following error message on trying to compile the mq4 files. "<h1 style=‘color:#497A97;font-size:12pt;font-weight:bold’>404 - Not Found"
Please look into the EAs codes again

Your call. The EA with the name of Londonbreak… v1.08 currently is the one modified for the London session as per the suggestions of Bijoymj a couple pages back in this topic. The other one, with the name Daybreak… v3.22 currently is the one using the original rules set forward by pipwoof on post 1 of this topic. Since the tests so far show that August is a biiiiig baddy both for the original EA and for the Londonbreak one too, I think we can turn our attention back to the original EA and go forward with that, I think I’ll choose that one to go forward with and leave the Londonbreak EA at its current version, but probably will not upgrade that from now on.

I can’t reproduce this error at all. On my system, both of the EAs (the Londonbreak and the original one) compile without error. This error message doesn’t even make sense to me, since 404 is a html error message.

Update: oh, whoa. This is strange. To try to duplicate your problem I tried downloading the EAs from the links in your post. It seems the links are messed up if you try to use them from a post that includes them as a quote. Use the links (right click -> save as…) in my original post here and see if it fixes the problem.

Thanks Rpotor, they are successfully loaded

Hey woof, thanks for your work on this. I’m no programmer but is this what you’re looking for?
fixed SL and variable TP using OrderModify() —The actual code is below —

this is for triggering one trade and I may be way off with this… but it may save someone time…couple examples
if (TimeHour()TimeCurrent()==0 && OrdersTotal()==0)
// check conditions and try to open trades
if(TimeHour(Time[i+1])>=20 && TimeHour(Time[i])==0)

Also here is a site for your virus removal & step by step instructions.
bleepingcomputer(.)com/virus-removal / remove-fbi-monkeypak-ransomware
If you start your computer in safe mode by hitting F8 while booting up you can go into safemode with networking. This should allow you to download and run an anti malware program. I use malwarebytes for bugs & ATF for cleaning files.

Here is the link to Malwarebytes
download(.)cnet(.)com / Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware / 3000-8022_4-10804572(.)html?part=dl-10804572&subj=dl&tag=button

And a link to atf cleaner (prolly a newer version out there)
scanwith(.)com / download / ATF_Cleaner(.)htm

download and run these and then hit up trendmicro for a virus check
Should be good to go afterwards.
Another way is to download these and hook your good computer to the infected one by way of a USB cable and then run these programs to clean the infected drive from the good computer.

Hope this helps, pm me if you have any questions or if you want some help through skype.

Rpotor, Have you considered and looked at the below post suggestion on adding Trailing stops to the EA?

Below is a link to an absolutely plain, no-frills webpage where from now on you can find the current version of the EAs coded by me for this trading system. By putting this webpage live, I’ve deleted all previous versions of the EA from my website, so links posted previously in this topic to the various old versions of the EA will now come up with an error message and only the current version can be downloaded. Hopefully this will prevent newcomers from downloading an old and potentially buggy version. I put instructions on how to find that webpage in my forum signature, so hopefully anyone with eyes should be able to get to the website even if he/she first encounters a link to a previous EA version which is not there anymore. On this webpage I also included dineshydv’s EA for the sake of completeness, if this is not okay for any reason, please tell me and I’ll remove it. I also reproduced the latest directory of topics there as collected by pipwoof.

See here:

Oh, COME ON! This forum is… oooookay, let’s count to 10 before continuing.

Okay, so it seems this forum is designed in a way that even if you set a signature to display on all of your posts it seems it just won’t. Now, if you poke around the settings, there is an option which is disabled by default, which you can enable to show signatures. However it seems it’s not working, at least I’m still not seeing any signatures anywhere. But even if it would work, the normal setting is that the forum engine will not show signatures, so unless someone specifically looks for it, the signatures will be hidden for him/her. In my humble opinion this is not very user friendly. Anyway I’ll just post the link every time a new version of the EA is released.

rabbit, i appreciate you taking tme to offer the help. i have printed your post and filed it for next time. being minimally computer savvy, i keep maintenance programs with geek squad, so drove the sick one over to the hospital right away monday. they said three or four days. maybe i’ll get back up to speed by next week.

also appreciate the suggestions on how to modify the ea. it does seem that we are tantalizingly close and need just a touch here and there.

Rpotor, Noticed the GJ pending buy stop was cancelled for RETRACE but other 2 buy orders were taken and on Daybreak v3.22.But were all taken by Daybreak v3.21

Ummmm, I’m sorry… whaaat? :slight_smile: I mean, I’m not sure I understand the question. Do you mean v3.22 EA placed the three pending orders for GJ (TP, Air and Retrace). Then when the orders triggered, only TP and Air opened and Retrace just did what? Disappeared from the pending queue? If that’s the case, that’s impossible, or if it’s possible it can’t be the fault of the EA, since the EA does not poke the orders at all after it places them (except for moving the stop losses of active orders of course), so everything that happens to the orders after placement is done “by the market” and your broker or yourself. The thing I could only imagine was that say the three pending orders were triggered by market price action, but the price moved so quickly that your broker could only enter the first two pending orders (TP and Air) and Retrace just got the short end of the stick, but still I think it should not just disappear or got cancelled from the pending queue. The second part of your post I really really don’t understand. I assume it means that v3.21 handled the orders correctly. Again I think that’s impossible, since if v3.22 somehow cancelled the Retrace order (an impossibility as per my above explanation) then v3.21 could not possibly handle the order “correctly” because it was already “cancelled” by v3.22

Color me confused. :slight_smile:

Ok, here we go with the modified version with below improvements: (23.1 KB)

  1. Moves SL to nearest profitable quarter upon TP hit.
  2. Breakeven functionality modified (no jumping SL now).
  3. Added max-SL. (if want to use SL as per original strategy then give a number greater then 50)

Now, I am working to add a percentage for BE. Means that trade will BE after reaching X% of profit…

The reason why I am not sharing the code is to avoid un- necessary question like - “why you are doing like this”, “if do like this, it better”, “can you modify like that for me”. Once we have reached a final version with all changes, I will post the code. So bear till then…

What I said about the judgement call [post here] are in the code.
1. Lets say that -> SL pips should not be more than TP pips. In above example, since SLpips is more than TP pips, so SL will be changed to TP pips i.e. -26.
2. Second option can be to put a max SL of no more than 30pip per trade. So on every trade our SL will be between -25 & -30.
==>>> Use Max_SL feature for this…
3. Once TP is hit, move SL on AIR & RETRACE pos to nearest quarter (already implemented). ==>> Sl moves to nearest profitable quarter upon TP hit.

4. Till TP hit, if we get 3 candles against us on 30mins ( maybe 15min) chart(SL yet to hit), we will close all pos. If price is above open then make all pos B/E. ==>> Need to add
5. If TP yet to hit and price has moved 80% of TP then make all pos B/E… ==>> working on it.

If you guys see any change that can optimize results, then reply…

Hi guy’s I have been reading and using the principles and i have to say I am very impressed with both pipwoofs strategy and rptor & dineshydv’s EA. You guy’s are on to something here so pls keep it up.

Thanks for everything

okay, these pictures are a little clumsy 'cause i don’t have all my usual tools. spent the day using rpotor v3.22and a spreadsheet. this is only a spot study transfering results from mt4 strategy testing to a spreadsheet. checked two pairs, gbp/jpy and eur/jpy. looking at six different conditions: 1. using the original sl method and taking only one trade per day, 2. using the original sl method and allowing both trades per day if hit, 3. using a fixed -25 intial sl and taking only one trade per day, 4. using a -25 fixed sl and allowing both trades per day if hit, 5 and 6 same as previous but -30 sl.

i believe the only limit of the spreadsheet is when we see a profitable trade and can’t know for sure if the stop loss held and allowed the trade to proceed to profit or if it was taken out prior. without checking in great detail, it appears the -25 holds most of the time.

i know this is preliminary and i will do more work as i have time, but these are our strongest pairs and it is looking very much like we should hold our initial losses to a minimum and take both trades on days when both are triggered.

i am ready to talk.

dinesh, thank you for continuing your work. hopefully, i will have time by monday to see what your ea does.

Im still trading on fxtrade with the three pairs; g/j, a/u, e/u. So far this week, things have been looking better. Not outstanding, but at least TT is seeing some forward progress.

I believe there will be episodes like this first part of the month here and there that will test your fortitude in sticking to your rules and your system. Although, the long-term prognosis is one of a positive light.

I am also under the impression that the pairs you choose will have a big impact in results as well. I am only tracking three trade-by-trade under TT but I do trade others on a different trading plan. After you follow TT for some time, you begin to recognize other charts that would be favorable to the system without doing a lot of analysis.

So, stick with it. Pay attention to the price action characteristics of the currency pairs and don’t assume your ea will do it all for you (until all the kinks are worked out and you’ve run the bot for some time).

Always keep in mind: YOU are the trader, NOT your tools.


Experience can’t be purchased but it pays. :slight_smile:

Good luck All.

Very nice. I like the looks of things. I’ll do some checking on those conditions tomorrow.

Thank you for your continued support and Huge contributions guys. The EAs are excellent work. Simply amazing.

Wow, i’ve been following this thread for a while. Looking very excititng. Thank you pipwoof, rpotor and Denish for all your work.

I was wondering if an EA will be available for those who use the FXCM Trading Station Marketscope 2.0 which uses .lua

Thanks. :smiley: