Great video on how money is created through Debt
Sorry, I found the animation and the music a bit distracting. I’m sure it was an interesting premise. Thanks for sharing.
[quote=“Dennis3450, post:1, topic:112231, full:true”]
Great video on how money is created through Debt [/quote]
Great video, indeed, Dennis. Thanks for posting it.
Not bad the video?let MI kn where money from haha
Here is the second in the trilogy, these videos do get longer as we go, I think someone has the third one ( 2hrs) divided up into 3 videos
The quotes are great, I just wish the narrator read them, that would make this a good audio only piece
I have found many many videos like that lately anyway. Please explain to me where you have the time to watch them all anyway. Does it really really matters here or what ? I ocasionally found this thread via other topic in “lobby”, thanks for explanation though.
I don’t watch network TV, no sitcoms , no dramas if it’s not something that is going to teach me something I do not know I don’t watch it
Pretty sound insofar as they go - That “Grip of death book” also gets to a similar place, Albeit with much more detail and uderstanding of teh effects and processes and makes suggestions which are also a little weak. - And it is self evident that our Governments should not be taxing US to pay interest to Private Corporations who simply type numbers onto spreadsheets to “Loan” to the Government ! Stuff of fantasy !
The problem then comes when we try to decide who exactly we are going to trust to create and dispense said “money” - Clearly it is not desireable to have Governments doing that and also governing us as they could simply steal our money at their discretion. Also certain Leftish Parties would have no hesitation in just “printing more”.for dubious purposes.
I also dislike the words at the end of “Film 2” “SOCIAL JUSTICE!” - The word Justice does not need any modifier ! And the use of those words in this context fills me with apprehension !
SO what does film 3 have by way of suggestions ?
nice documentary
basically slavery was never abolished
earlier they were the weak who become slaves
and nowadays it is … (watch the movie to know who)
Bitcoin has shown promise in getting the government out of our money.
The problem here is our money is backed by Oil and not Gold as the term Petrodollar. We saw inflation back in the seventies when the lie was we were running out of oil, but now the truth is we have hundreds of years of oil reserves at current consumption this in turn has keep both the price of oil and US inflation in check. This has also allowed the US Government to spend Trillions in dollars we don’t have. There will come a day when this money scam comes to an end but they could keep it going for many decades if they choose