Trying to develop a skill that will creat a source of income

Hello everyone, am Boyeson. Have heard so much about trading and I think I can also develop the skills it takes to be a trader.
Am open to receive mentorship and give myself to training.
I believe am greatly welcome.


Yes, it’s possible if you put your mind to developing a new profit and LOSS business venture. There is no short cut to being a consistent profitable trader. That’s why many newbies give up early. Persistence is required.

Best of luck.


You can study on your own:

or look for a mentor on babypips or youtube.

Thank you very much Steve, consistency is the key. I love it.:pray::pray:

Thank you Dushimes, am grateful full for your suggestion.
Is it possible to get one that I can share a trade ideal with?

I don’t know. You will have to find out yourself. Use the search function on this site and see what mentors people are choosing.

Or just go on youtube and look.

Great :+1:
Thank you

Welcome to the community, Boyeson! Hope you’re enjoying your stay and we’ll be looking forward to your progress!

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Welcome to the community, Boyeson. Start with the education section here. Then as you go along, open a demo account to practice what you’re learning. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

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Thank you ZianFx

Am keeping it step by step, doing little everyday.
Thank you Baemax023

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Welcooome! :blush: As the others have said, finding a mentor can be tricky. :sweat_smile: So I recommend taking your time to learn on your own for now using the free resources here and even on Youtube! :blush: Good luuuuck!

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Great, thank you

You’re welcome. Good luck on your fx trading journey.