Trying to get US $ index on MT4

Please help. I have not been able to figure out how to get the US $ index chart on MT4.

Could one of the members of this great forum please give me instructions on how to get MT4 to show the US $ index, if it is even possible.



I’m no expert, but I would think it would depend on whether or not your broker offers it. Not all do. You should probably check with your broker first.


OK. I don’t see it in my “New charts” list. Got gold :slight_smile: But that is of no use for me right now. I was hoping that I would be able to "add’ it somewhere. I do have the Dow Jones, Nasdaq, and S&P indexes. No $. Thanks for helping.

What’s your broker?

I’ve been using FXCM trading platform, however, just have the “demo” account on MT4 and using those charts.