Trying to Learn

I’m 17 years old, work part time but don’t have a lot of money stacked up. I’m here to learn as much as I can trading with small amounts so that a few years down the road I will have both the skillset and financial option to trade full time. I am completely new to trading and know absolutely nothing aside from a couple youtube videos. Any advice to getting started, where to look for info, basic fundamentals of forex, or anything else would be hugely appreciated.

Well, you’re here on this great education site, so hit the green button above and begin your learning journey. Open a demo account to practice and experiment.

Best of luck.

Welcome to the community, @AidanBogner. Start with the education section here. It’s the best place to start for beginners. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome to the community! Remember do not rush into trading with your real money. Focus on getting the required skills to be a profitable trader. Good luck!