Tsunami Dollar Crash?

I was looking back at the charts and was wondering why the dollar plummeted instead of the yen from Mar 11 - Mar 17.

Anyone got any thoughts?

IMO the yen rocketed to a record high against the dollar on the back of expectations that Japanese investors will have to repatriate cash to cover the costs of the disaster.

Thanks Jona!

Without sounding like a jerk, in the future, I’d like to trade disasters, so at least one thing good comes out of them. How in the future can I determine what will happen to a country’s currency when a disaster occurs involving them?

Thanks in advance.

You can’t.

Let alone the fact that disasters don’t happen every day. That would lead to some mighty long dry spells…

Clearly, Tang. I was suggesting that one did that in addition to normal trading, and that wasn’t really an answer to the question.

Our planet is now experiencing an unprecedented amount of turmoil - political, economic and natural. To my humble opinion risk of ‘dry periods’ for somebody who trades disasters is not so excessive.

Our planet are experiencing turmoils now. It is said that it was the effect of global warming. But, for me, its not just that. it’s because of us - people, who are ruining our mother earth and our sins.