U.S. Trader, Offshore Broker

Frankly speaking, it’s a tough search now post the CFTC/Dodd-Frank police, however I am interested in what options remain.

Interested in an offshore broker with the following options:

– ECN/STP preferred, however “reliable/honest…haha” DD brokers I would consider(depending on the other options)
– Regulated by an agency
– At least 1:200 leverage, 0.5% margins (variable is ok)
– Forex, Spot Metals, CFD Indices
– Max account opening balance I would be willing to test is USD5,000
– U.S. clients accepted ofcourse
– Currenex, Strategy, MT4/5, optimistic towards platforms

Tough criteria, but since XTB/Dukascopy stopped accepting US clients, I am stuck. All help accepted with love.

I will never understand the reasons behind non-U.S. brokers folding to the actions of the CFTC. Why are you so afraid of the U.S.! America will always police you if you accept [U][B]OUR[/B][/U] agencies and regulations interject in your business. Next, they will dissolve the relationships between all of your liquidity-providing partners. It won’t stop, until we all say so.

Sorry for rant. :confused:

Have you looked at this thread — 301 Moved Permanently ??

Scroll forward to posts #1072, #1073, and #1074 for lists of offshore brokers who will, or will not, deal with American residents.

Thanks for the reply, however that list must be old, because 75% of the listed brokers do not accept U.S. clients.

did you go to last time the list was updated? Its current if you know firsthand of a broker on the current list that will not not take a US client post in the thread over there so that list is kept current.

[B]Scroll forward to posts #1072, #1073, and #1074[/B] for lists of offshore brokers who will, or will not, deal with American residents.