Understanding Price Action by Chris Capre

Hello mr. Capre
I’ve been following your teachings for few weeks. I have identified some trading opportunities and I’d like to see your insight on my analysis. I can identify trading opportunities but I’m often unsure which one to take and which one to pass.

buy signal followed by sell in next 2 bars? close open buy position and open sell? How to deal with this kind of information?
EDIT: i opened a long position on market open today, it gaped and created nice bullish bar… I will be trailing my stop if price goes up

Enter on first signal or second? I noticed price often retests SR area as both support and ressistance in short time, is it logical to wait for 2nd retest to be sure? Is it safer entry?

Are all these signals valid short opportunities? With good take profit placement?

Hola Traders,

Just getting back from the holiday weekend and also being snowed in for a day from the storm that hit the east coast.

Will catch up with questions soon, but for now, here is my bias and directions for tomorrow.

Bearish EURUSD below 1.1530
Bearish EURGBP below 7463
Bullish USDCAD above 1.2309
Bearish EURJPY below 137.24
Bullish on FTSE 100 and feeling likely breakout coming soon.

That is all for now, but good to be back and good luck trading tomorrow.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Hi mr Capre,

Is this thread come to an end??

Kind regards,


Hello Dutch Trader,

Where in the Land of Oranje are you as I have several friends there in Utrecht, Amsterdam, Rotterdam & (think I’m saying this right) ‘Leiden’?

Been there myself and enjoyed it well - have some very good connections with the Dutch people, and many are members, so hope to spend time with them this year.

[B]RE: Thread[/B]
I’m taking a short break from it over the next few weeks to a) rest up and regain my health, which has been challenged as of late, and b) focus on the new [B]Adv. Traders Mindset Course[/B] which I just launched.

Let me know about where you are at in the Netherlands as there is a solid chance I’ll be traveling there this year, so would love to meet up.

But thanks for asking about the thread and hope to hear from you again.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Looks like there’s no more update onto this thread. Has it been moved or has this been already stopped?

It might be out of context and they decided it’s over. For me, price action has a little to nothing to do with the price but with the movement.

I’m a fellow PA-trader and I thank you for sharing!

2ndSkiesForex, what is your view on trailing stops? A big No No?

Looks like its been abandon.

yes Looks like its been abandon.

Where can i find the full list of Chris Capre’s Price action patterns?



i read all your free stuff and its good. 6 months ago i bought N.F course but the problem is that he hasnt got a data of his real trading, what is really bad that somebody is selling course without any proof of his profitabillity…

My question is if you have it ? I saw some positive videos of “your students” but this is not enough that 5 people post their trading… If you were working for hedge fund you need to know a lot so SHOW US THE REAL PROOF !:33:

where can i find the list of all your price action?

Best topic on price action I’ve ever read. And this goes beyond 1-2 candlestick patterns some people claim is pure price action trading. 300+ pages, this should be added to Babypips school imo.

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Were watching one of his youtube-videos today and a video came up of him showing his 2017 trading results…

It seems that very few educators out there are sharing their results so cool to see that he does.

I’m a newbie myself, so not sure what to make of it. What do you guys think? Are these solid numbers?

I think you should go for it big style.
Sign up for as many of his courses as you can possibly afford.
Apparently as soon as you’ve completed one, you’ll get encouraged to step up to the next one. You’ll need to complete the full range though to ensure you’re adequately prepared for the exciting challenges ahead!

Just be sure you leave enough to fund a nice plump live account, hopefully with a UK provider, & once aboard please be sure to trade as often as you possibly can to gain that all important screen time. Don’t worry or stress about clocking up massive drawdown or blowing up, just continue to re-stock the account when prompted to do so. The object of the exercise is to build psychological muscle by racking up live experience.

Ignore the soothsayers, stay solid & focused, never give up - but it’s essential you keep re-stocking your live a/c because one day everything will just magically click into place & you’ll be off to the races!

Or to as many as you can find on the internet for free, while some of them may be bad, you probably will be able to take something away from them

And there are plenty of them that are actually pretty good

THat’s an interesting approach. Yes, I guess it’s effective, as far as I see. I think it’s worth a try =)

This is a complete thread as long as I’m on this forum. This is very helpful for me to learn.

Thanks for this article and these tips to look for before break out as odd enhancers make a lot of sense . I had a question here . Teh 20 period Ema , should be always on a. Daily time frame or on the time frame of entering the trade . I usually use 4 hr or 60 min time frames for my trade entries . Look forward to a reply from you