Understanding Price Action by Chris Capre

Quite a horrible consolidation on the EUR/USD but so far already harvested on the intraday movements in the past two days.
Still have my EUR/JPY and GBP/USD open from yesterday but they all seem to be hitting the previous resistance areas. may have a very slow close of the week.
Keep up guys, i hope you made enough in the week already.


Hello hbb322,

Nice to hear that you are following a Chris’ course. Would like to know your thoughts and ideas about the course. Which one are you following ?

Coz, I am also planing to start a course very soon.


Hello Grix,

Nice to hear that you got something for the week. Cheers mate.

Nice Weekend Everyone

Hi all,

Got stopped out on my GU.

NZD/USD moved sl to be + 5 (rn 0.85).

Have a happy weekend everyone.

yeah, choppy trading lately for GU
choppy, then two bursts, one up/one down, right back where it started
my system caught one of the moves up, but only snagged about a 50pip’er
may have a signal short soon, but tricky trading indeed

Hello F’ist,

Agreed, it totally depends upon the trader/individual, and they have to find something that works best for them, and their natural mindset/abilities.

In regards to my students, some of my top students will get close to (or above) 10R trades on a weekly basis (sometimes several times a week), especially with this volatility in Gold, Silver, Oil, and fx pairs. But even then, I have some who are not the top students, but still solid, and picking up some large R trades, one of them a nice 9R trade, so this happens if you do it correctly, let it run, and know how to read price action in real time.

But they’ve worked hard for their fruits which they are now enjoying, and deserve every bit of it imo.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Didnt see a 10RR trade this week, although I did see some last week on the 4 hour. Didnt take it, but the more mature I get as a trader, im taking advantage of those moves more and more.

Hello Apex Predator!

It was really great to have found this forum here because of forex trading makes something less complicated and complex, I realized that after a while the forex is a bit complex, and that alone could not get anywhere. So it’s nice to have a place where we can share ideas and also learn a lot from more experienced traders.

I’ll keep posting here, yes, because I have a lot to learn yet and I really want to learn from the traders here.

I am grateful for liking our football here in Brazil, actually the world cup will soon be out there and Brazil will shine again!


Anyone else here negotiated the yen this week? Some previous posts have warned for buying signals in USD / JPY and EUR / JPY and most other JPY pairs, but only today was it had a price hike in pairs and am using a system called forex domination which has an indicator that shows bad trade or to stay out, and all JPY pairs flagged as non-negotiable so far, namely that the trend is not strong enough to enter the trade and it is best to stay out for now.

I do not know for sure, but I think it is best to stay out of some of the trades to come in and end up losing money only by greed to negotiate.

If my system indicates that it is not the best time to negotiate so I simply do not negotiate.

Someone negotiated the yen this week? what were the results?

Oh just one last thing, I use daily charts so I thought I’d wait a little longer yet to see if the trend continues then I only trade these pairs.

I’m currently doing the advanced price action course. I should note that I’m pretty new to forex overall (I just started reading up on it in late January and finished the babypips school in February). That being said, I really enjoyed the course as it offers quite a few systems, some that are strict and have set targets and stops and rules, and some that are more subjective that allow you to be more creative. I can say that I finally feel like I understand what I’m looking at when I look at the charts and understand what the market is doing. Once I understood a few of the systems I started demo trading and started adding more systems as I learned them, and I’m starting to really get a feel of trading styles that I like. I’m still not done with the course, as I have just a few videos left to watch, but on April 4th I started demo trading again and as of April 18th (two weeks later) I’m up 17%. I understand that this is far from a large enough sample size to be considered consistent, but it’s a HUGE progress and victory over my previous results demo trading. I’m probably going to take some of Chris’ other courses as well because I enjoyed this one so much. Hope this helps!

Hiya Brazillian, I made a horrible mistake of getting short in EUR/JPY. I’m still holding and hoping that JPY recovers after the weekend and usd/jpy and Eur/jpy stabilizes, I shorted both and I’m down big :frowning:

Chris, with regards to your students who make the 10+ trades. Do they share the set ups in real time in your forex price action forum or they just inform when the trades must have been executed

hi brazilian,
I only had one trading oppertunity on the JPY pairs, and got stopped out for breakeven. Because i filter my trades with ichimoku and some other indicators, i was kept out of the JPY pairs this week

ayoviesa, heres my chart without the clutter of all my filters. It shows a 10RR move this week
 unfortunately, i got stopped for BE, but i just wanted to point out that these moves are much more common than you think, and you dont need to take other peoples trade ideas, because you can learn to spot them yourself.

“Feed a man a fish, and you feed him once, teach a man to fish and you feed him forever!”

Better to learn than to copy is all im saying

Hope that helps


hey apex, what do you mean 10RR or 10+RR trade??? how many pips is that, never heard of those terms before. thanx

There were some good trading opportunities with the JPY pairs. As seen it is for the trader to see which trends are truly trade-able so as to make some profits on them :slight_smile:

It refers to risk reward, how ever much you risk is worth 1RR. Therefore, if you have 10+ RR it means youve made 10 times your risk.


Im sure there was, but I didnt see anything to put my own money on the line. I only trade when the odds are not just in my favour, but heavily skewed in my favour, and that only happened once for me on the JPY pairs.

Hello Ayoviesa,

90% of my students post their trades in real time before its executed. Most often, they can see the setup in advance, post it in the forum, and then I comment on it. Sometimes I get to it before, sometimes after as I cannot be up 24hrs for all signals.

But I give my analysis, ideas, feedback, comments, etc., along with my top students who do this as well, as perhaps they are in a similar trade and share their ideas.

Hope this helps give you some ideas of what its like.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Hello Aquapip,

10 R trades simply refer to a reward 10x your risk, or translated 10R = 10x reward.

So its not a fixed amount of pips per se, but related to your pips risked per trade.

Hope this helps clarify it

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre