Understanding Price Action by Chris Capre

Thats one expensive lesson I remember taking… Learn from it and move on.


well unfortunately I am not a believer in working too hard for little cash, that’s why I trade. On the contrary, I believe that if you are smart enough to make money while asleep, away or just when tired, then why not. Go for it!

Hi Grix… Thats fair enough, Im actually working on a 4 hour/ Daily model to make money while I sleep aswell!

Its a mix of MACD, Ichimoku and ofcourse, Price Action triggers. I think im going to call it… ApexSleepPredator.

From initial testing, its works very well on the stock market as well (dividends ftw!!), the stock market is an instrument im looking into as I learn about investors like Warren Buffet and Ben Graham and their value investing methodology.

Happy trading guys!
Always learning.



Hi Apex as I told you yesterday, I am fully for H4 strategies. With the mention of ichimoku( the only indicator that I ever look at), am a quite interested.

So far, so good the week has been too slow with some little action yesterday and quite a good morning today. The GBP/USD has a very clear bearish run. I I think that if your strategy has caught this one, and supports PA, then I endorse it.

Hey Traders,

Massive dumping of USD longs (profit taking and short covering for AUD/GBP bears) as literally, even though the bernanke did not speak yet, the minute the event started, USD was dumped en masse. Probably will not take any new positions until I hear helicopter ben speak, but unless he says something unexpected, likely USD weakness to continue for the next few hours.

If the USD does continue to weaken, i’ll look at taking intra-day longs on AU, GU, perhaps EU. Waiting for pullbacks on GJ, EJ and GJ to add longs.

More to come.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Hello Apex,

People do not have to work 9-5 jobs. they have a choice and are not paralyzed ad infinitum with their current work situations. People leave their 9-5 jobs all the time to start new ventures, and many of them are glad. They choose to continue their work - and we as traders should not have to feel guilt or issues about their choices.

And as to the euro plummeting - people who hold euro’s have a choice, they can continue to hold euros, or educate themselves to protect them from price changes. They can learn, study, get informed, ask questions, etc. They are not forced to hold euros entirely - they can make choices.

The euro rising and falling is a part of markets - whether its speculators or not. If it goes up because of manipulation, does that mean traders or speculators are to blame? And do the europeans holding euros then have no right to complain, or have to pay the gains back from such manipulations? I don’t think so.

Now manipulating prices to me is not ethical, but traders and markets have a right to choose which side they want to be on. If they do so with price discovery and directional trades - great. If they do so in a manipulative way - then I don’t agree with it, but we cannot complain about our lifestyle as traders - based on the rising/falling value of the euro and how it impacts others.

Perhaps the euro falling europeans hurts people in the EU, but helps other people in other countries? how do we weigh the differences or benefits between countries? I don’t think we can.

So trading is not something anyone should feel guilty for - or the price of the euro. Becoming a trader is learning how to make money in a different way that empowers one to control their time and life. It also means becoming informed on markets, and how not to be helpless, but having options should the euro, or any other currency rise or fall, which may affect us.

Just my thoughts.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Hi mate, yes my sleep system would have caught that move from the inside bar in the kumo, although Im still thinking about 1 thing…

  1. how to manage the trade - ichimoku or trail behind each risk reward multiple?

Still early days… But looks promising so far.


Hello Chris! I appreciate the detailed sentiments, I understand everything you said there… I guess traders shouldnt feel bad about what is effectively a very unique way of making money while managing time.

Thanks for your thoughts Chris. Another good exchange of thoughts to add to the collection!

Happy pipping! Today has been great across all timeframes.


Just as we do in price action, I would rather trail the trades with a trailling stop. Anyway I do trail all my trades using stops, so I guess I would answer " just as usual"…

Are you on the market today?
Cheers Grix

Im only forward testing my 5 minute strategy right now on demo… I had a fantastic day with that today!

Also, Im revising for exams, believe it or not, I am only 18 years old and trying to chase my dreams, but education comes first…

Dont let my age take anything away from me though… Im still the same ApexPredator.

Trade safe mate.

Hey Apex,

You are 18…say what!:29:…really…when I was at your age I was too buried in books to learn trading…hehe…

Anyway I wish I had started at your age, could be millions of miles away… any burn on the hot coffee and cram through out the night…

Btw have you seen that dany guy around…need some charts


Good age to start anything & taking decisions about your future. Yeah Education is the first thing.
Strike a balance between things and you can become a very good trader after some time.

Great post Chirs. Nice thoughts :slight_smile:

Haha, well I actually started at 16… So ive already learnt alot about the game, if you know what an exponential curve looks like, Im currently on that steep up move right now in terms of development as a trader.

LOOOL, I used to study charts all night… You get a headache after a while and you cant even think about what your looking at anymore! Dont think I need to commit myself like that anymore though.

Did dany promise some charts? Havent seen him no… But the markets seem to have collapsed a bit overnight, hopefully your Dream Eater/ApexSleepPredator system caught some of that.

Happy trading for today, made another 5 minute trade on demo today 3:1 in 10 minutes… Once I have some percentages on this model - ¡Im taking this baby live!

Happy trading!
Trade safe.

Thank you Perry, and also balancing this with my coaching ambitions… Who said young people were lazy?

Balance is the key word there. Ill try my best. Thanks again.

Theres going to be some good moves today with PMI data coming out of several countries, theres also an FOMC event and unemployment figures which will no doubt cause some movement most likely to the downside.

Happy trading everyone!
Trade safe.

Hello Guys,
Taking a small break from trading. Right now there is too much currency dumping into the market
and guess its time to let the bigheads shape the market before we resume.
So I guess no charts till Monday


Same here. No trade for me at the moment

Hello Traders,

First time back in a few days after recovering from the physical issues so my apologies.

For today - I feel we have to talk about the Nikkei and its 9% drop yesterday, over 1500pts.

It has an eerie semblance to the 1987 crash, which also experienced a 9.1% drop. However, it did recover after this drop, gaining 18% from the lows, thus making new highs, so this is a possibility here.

But the index just broke below the major support and prior SL (swing lows) at 14386, so a likely attack on 14030 is up next. If the big figure at 14000 goes, then the uptrend is over, and continued selling should be expected.

Bulls will need to take out 14423 and 14900 to regain control short term.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Also just a heads up - Gold keeps attacking the 1395/1400 level, with HLs (higher lows) continually building, so this may break before the week ends, which should give some confidence to the bulls.

Another big failure here suggests an attack on 1363.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Well that was fast…14030 tagged.

Anyone catch this?

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre