[Updated] What is this? It's a feedback widget

WTF is this and how to get rid of it


yeah i saw that like 2 days ago and i think they just had a server ugrade
i would think this is maybe a chat option.

Its a “How would you rate your experience” button

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I think we’ve been over this to the n’th degree but maybe new visitors should have the chance to click this.

Can it be got rid of? I clicked the icon and sent in my feedback but the damn thing is still there. Grrrrr.

Oh… ok thanks for that

I’m obviously missing something !

I don’t know whether to just ignore this thread and stay happy :slight_smile:

Or whether to ask where to find it and get annoyed like everyone else ! :cake:

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it pops up randomnly

Mine just popped up 2mins ago

it was there last night and then it went away and now it’s popped its head up again
i half thought it was bon Jovi’s Have a nice day hehe

Aah - that explains it ! :sunglasses:

Oh, its gone. Happy now.

Mine is also gone…

As was mentioned, it’s a sitewide widget allowing website visitors to send us feedback. Nothing more, nothing less. Click on it, rate your experience, send us some additional feedback (optional). Submit. Done.

@bob, I’m not sure what text count you’re seeing. Can you elaborate on that?



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The one that says minimum 15 characters for a title and 20 for a post. Hurts my head lol

Gone as well hooray.

But have now officially switch browsers and will be surfing the net using epic

Mine is still here :stuck_out_tongue:

but if i open the same link in EPIC

Is it not but a shame that in today’s world we now must resort to a privacy browser to safely view the web.

Somebody is always out there wanting to sell you something, somehow, anyhow.

I would like to apologize to all those marketing/government/private agencies monitoring my every move. My life is actually pretty boring. I’m sorry for wasting your time :middle_finger:

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@_bob Ain’t it the bloody truth mate

  • Why should we be subjected to Marketing, Why should we even be forced to View it
  • Why should we have to buy Anti Virus programs and spend money that we SHOULD NOT HAVE TO
  • Why should our Cars have the Manufacturer’s badge on them and if we choose to take the badge of there is an ugly (intentionally planned) Indent in the car

Why , We Live in a world that is setup in such a way that it sucks money from us, it plays on our human psychology that we cannot ignore
it FORCEFULLY EXTRACTS information from us, this information is then processed and converted into revenue

PEOPLE ARE MADE TO BELIEVE THAT THEY NEED THINGS THAT THEY DON’T NEED through suggestive thought and marketing tactis (and i know these tactics all too well ) and they work.

You’re right mate, it’s sad, but there really isn’t anything you are gonna do about
Babypips are not going to take down the Ads on this site
they are not going to remove that Red Smiley AND LET’S ASK OURSELVES THIS QUESTION

Why is it a smiley to begin with ? hehe Food For thought
would there be some positive reinforcement going on here… hmm i wonder hehe

Yeah… it’s BS definitely
but welcome to the world we live in. We Live in a world that is one Giant Advertisement