US / China Trade War

Good day, all

Now that China is going to retaliate for the first time with their own penalties, this subject has my interest.

Any ideas on how it could effect the currency market? I already started to get a handle on how it is going to effect emerging markets and their currencies, but I am not to sure on how this will play out on main currencies.

Will likely weaken USD (US Dollar) and CNY (Chinese Yuan) exchange rates.

as always there will be demande for safe haven entities

@AUdvantages and @zrrsys

I understand what you guys are saying respectively, but it is more complicated than that.

In emerging markets, the “trade war” (since these days everything is a war) have a punishing effect on those countries currencies. I know this for a fact, since I deal with a lot of those currencies that are not on your radar.

Secondly, Australia’s 2nd biggest trading partner is China. If China experience pain, then it is safe to assume that there would be signs of this, therefor have an impact on that countries currency. Should it not?

Now I should have given clarity to my question.I wanted to know how this trade dispute is affecting the 7 main currencies:


In short, my question is much more technical than how I present it.But I will try to clarify as it goes along.

USD/CNH froze at its peak. It is interesting to break or fall down? Do not risk to buy or sell.

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