US dollar could crash on monday

My system is show big sells tomorrow, it can’t be gold or nzd usd so it must be the US dollar

a man in a suit and tie is making a funny face and saying `` absolutely ■■■■■■■ not '' .


Hmm :thinking: crypto starting to fall. I suppose gold could fall but it has t each it’s peak we’ll see . I know something’s gonna crash , not sure yet

Another bold call, love it! :grin:

Just out of curiosity, what are you looking at? What does your system base the USD crash on?

After getting burned so many times, I now avoid trying to guess what I think the markets are going to do and listen to what they are already saying. In regards to the US dollar (DXY), IMO, it’s rolled over into a long term (possibly even a secular) downtrend.

I anticipate some major downside volatility but think it’s got 1 more wave higher before we see a more dramatic drop, but I could be wrong and we could see it drop immediately. Let’s see what happens! :smile:


A financial market crash is an abrupt price drop, which may trigger a prolonged bear market or signal economic trouble ahead. Market crashes can be made worse by fear in the market and herd behavior among panicked investors to sell.

Not all price shocks result in prices collapsing.

I get the big boy data , when data is showing to high . Like 31st july , something gonna crash

Will most probably be usd cad that crashes

One of these three will crash
Aud usd
GBP usd
Usd cad

Let’s see

It’s usd cad
Dollar collapse confirmation

This is actually amusing. If you call a price drop on USD using currency pairs where USD is the base in one and the quote in the other, one of the pairs will rally and the other will drop. That’s one way to hedge on a prediction :joy:.

With USDCAD and USDX both making new highs of course there will be some sort of pullback, but what’s the confirmation of USD’s collapse?

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Still smothing things out in profit with gold sell :muscle:

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