US Pension Funds invest in crypto assets for the first time

Two pension funds in Virginia, US will take part in a new 40 million USD venture capital fund, focused on the crypto market and managed by Morgan Creek Digital.

According to a statement by Morgan Creek Digital other investors in the fund include an insurance company, a university endowment and a private foundation.

Until now many institutional investors avoided the crypto market as a whole, because of the speculations of market manipulations and the general lack of transparency and regulation.

I am not sure how well this will end.


Thanks for the heads up!
Funds to avoid like the plague.

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You’re welcome. I really am not sure what are they thinking risking those particular investments like that. Bitcoin lost 75% of its value in the last year alone, cryptocurrencies are a volatile and unregulated. Yes, some people profit a lot, but still.

Seems like the future is here. Who could think that pension funds will go into the crypto currencies. Very interesting experiment I will keep a track of it. I’m also very skeptic about their results, but lets see how far it goes. Very interesting.

It will either be a spectacular success or a spectacular failure.