USA Attack Iran

[I]What sources do you get your information from?[/I]

Diplomats & exMilitary Contractors.

[I]Didn’t Israel alone attack Iraq back before the U.S. got in over there? [/I]

Israel attacked a weak Iraq after it got bled dry fighting a 10 year war with the Iranians. The Iraqi Military was not capable of doing anything after loosing millions of lives in that war.

[I]So why wouldn’t they attack Iran?[/I]

Israel does not get the weapon technology they require to do so from the US. Israeli tests with present weapon technology using Saudi Arabia as launching pad have failed.

If Israel goes ahead nonetheless trying to attack Iran by using Saudi Arabia as their preferred launching pad the Saudi King family is history & the US is engaged in another dirty war because of Iranian insurgency in Saudi Arabia & other states with Sunni majority in the Middle East.
Most likely Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Jemen, Sudan & the north part of Kenya will erupt.
Turkey would be drawn into this for sure because of Syria.
Balochistan in Pakistan will erupt & you would have the add on danger of how the Pakistani military would re-act to that situation.
Most likely India get’s drawn into it to.

You would have a situation out of control & Israel would loose ALL it’s allies on the Arab Penynsula endangering their very own existence.

[B]Israel is not stupid![/B]

Also, Oil prices will triple in a very short time & send the world economy into a head on crash.

[I]That won’t happen while there is a U.S. pressence in Iraq.[/I]

That’s the propaganda fed to the public.

A lot of what you write is right, but I made a correction. For sure Iran is an Islamic state. They have sharia and everything. To say it is not Islam is like a socialist says North Korea or Cuba is not the real socialism paradise as propagated by Marx. Both right and wrong. The baji and all that is just the enforcement of the power of the Shiite (sounds like ****, right?) government.

It is a bit like with the Nazis. They also had several groups, fighting against each other. Hitler killed his former SA leader and several other former fellows. That all is inherent of every violent sect.

If you want to understand how the Islam or any other ideology develops over time, look at what the Nazis did and what was the reaction of the rest of the world. It is always the same. Though, the inventor of sick ideology war was not Marx, Stalin or Hitler. Nor was it Pol Pot, Mao, Fidel Castro or other bastards. It was Mohammed. Repeating in history since 1400 years by the copycats which names can be found here in some postings. More to come, though.

It is always the same system: A few guys with a flat ego but a smart brain say there is something like a god, a superficial rule or whatever. If the enslaved people live with that god, rule, … then they earn the fruits of a paradise. Some systems predict this in life (socialism), some after death. The smartest guys put it as religion, as a god can not be attacked like a dogmatism. A god stays above all attacks, because nobody can say he exists or that he doesn’t exist. Very clever and many brainwashed people in the world follow those sick ideologies. Not I, though? :smiley:

Back to Iran and the question and that oil arguing: Oil will become more and more unimportant. In 10-20 years the battery technology will take care of and cars will get more and more e engines. Then oil will fall back and with oil every mullah regime. Until this time the US has to keep control over the middle east region that the mullahs there don’t get the bomb (while Pakistan has it already - big mistake in history to let that be). It is not all about oil. It is the ever lasting fight between violence and peace, construction and destruction, love and hate, law and crime. As the oil becomes more and more unimportant, the Islam will become weaker and weaker. That is what the mullahs scares. So they get violent right now and try to expand Islam law to the western world.

Though, as I said, you are in my opinion also right with Asia (China here as tip of the movement).

About my correction above: Iran are former Persian people, but they got infected by the Islam als the western world by socialism. Those sick ideologies. Now you can read on twitter or the news that they can’t get easy rid of em. Some Persian hearted people there might try to fight, but they have no chance without any help from outside. Like with Germany. They had the concentration camps until the last second of war.

This is not about religeon, it doesnt matter what religeon Irans leaders are, the question is what are their intentions. They have already threatened the United States and Israel. That is enough already. Both the US and Israel have the capability to destroy Irans nuclear program right now and should do so.

I think the inevitable US goal is to take over the oil producing arab countries. Iraq was first, Iran will be next. Saudi arabia is kinda getting there.

This would affect oil prices.

Yeah, do that. Good luck! If you have a problem with different opinions, free speech and the nail on the head on topic and maybe on user then it is your problem and not that of any admin. You start name calling and getting arrogant and offensive and calling the admins. That remembers me right now at a tale in L. A. where a shuttle driver got offensive against my girl and me, tried to steal my money, called the cop and he arrested him. If everybody would be so kind as you and do the work so proper for me, this world would be perfect living. :slight_smile:

If they decide pro the trolls, which I do not assume right now, then it is okay the other way. I wouldn’t like to write postings in forums where trolls make the rules anyways.

Do I have to be in any Nazi camp to know what it is? Yes, I was in a mosque, though empty that time. Yes, I studied a lot about that. 1 decade study. Show me any mosque where women have the same rights as the men. That separation of the women and men there and the fewer rights for women there is anyways a break against every civilized law. One may ask why the western politicians allow breaking their law in mosques and other Islamic subculture groups. Why can’t a fellow European or American make pressure to women, while it is right under law in western mosques? Here you can see the whole outcome of Islamisation again. The Islam leaders undermine our free society with their middle age violent and racist rules. If you criticize this, you get pressure from them until the options of death.

Well, my time is limited and others are better in calling the facts. Here is a start for everybody with an open mind:

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

This is not a myth but reality. I know also the difference between the more civilized mosques and the strong parties. Many parallels as already described above to other ideologies. Not every Russian is a communist, not every German a Nazi and not every Muslim a Terrorist or homo killer. Though, doesn’t it surprise you that Muslim groups get yelling if anybody criticizes Islam but very silent if their terrorists act?

Plus watch out. The net is already undermined by political correctness who put the truth behind a wall. Those followers of ideology leaders are under us. Everywhere! They might not attack you with a bomb, but they might try to brain wash you with Taquiyya.

Back to that mosque: Nobody would walk into a mosque if that would all obvious to everybody. People walk into mosques, because they get cheated. As somebody here said with politicians, which is the same. Sort of.

Well, that topic here goes Iran war or not. If there will be a war is the question if the mullahs get cut of oil sale income before they get the bomb or that the US (the only force who is able to do it) keep control over middle east. My opinion, again.

I am also sorry if I shake anybodies mind or say something which is not looking pretty. Though, instead of attacking the messenger, it would be better to analyze this and then everybody might see that there will no peace between Islam and the Christian/Jewish world soon, if ever. The Christian/Jewish world begs for it, but Islam in its basement allows no peace. Islam is a word which means enslavement, not peace. Which was always falsified by western dhimmi politicians. A dhimmi is simply an intruder in the sense of Islam. An occupied soul by Islamic brain wash or hired by them leaders with money or other goodies.

Well, some politicians might know the truth and try it with appeasement. So, what would be the outcome if you would put a lamb skin around a crocodile? Would it become a lamb?

Ok, while I have more time now to do that, I ask the reader to allow to explain why knowledge about the Islam is mandatory to understand if there will be war or not.

If the Islam would be a peaceful religion, not compounded with Islamic governments and laws, it would be possible for sure to come to an agreement between the Islamic and Christian/Jewish world. So, somehow it is surprising, by the way the world turns and all the war is going on since 1400 years between the western and the eastern hemisphere, why people can’t see that it is impossible to make peace, because Islam is just not peaceful. If I visit a state park here with alligators in, would I feed the alligators and pet them, just because I know they don’t bite all at all times? No, for sure not. So, why do people trust in a simply non existent peaceful Islam? If you open any newspaper around the world, you will see every day terror attacks or any pressure on freedom in the name of Islam. What makes you keep thinking then, it comes not from Islam? Right where the Koran, the book of Islam, tells the same story.

So, if Islam is peaceful, but all the violence comes from anywhere else, from what else does it come from? From you and me just trying to live in peace? Not very likely. Some argue, the Islam must be reformed like the Christianity and then it becomes peaceful. But it is not reformable. If Islam would be reformed, there would not exist any Islam anymore. The whole Koran and its latest and youngest and most important suras are the most violent. They ask every Muslim to fight until there are only Muslims in the world. Every Muslim who leaves the Islam has to be killed by Islamic law. What makes people think the western world could come to an agreement in peace with such a basement in this sect, when every day there is proof that it is not possible since 1400 years and since Muhammad invented Islam?

That is just wishful thinking. The same like drug addicts do. Are you a drug addict? I say, if you close your eyes before reality and rather believe in false arguments of cheating politicians and dhimmis, then you are addicted to the socialistic and communistic flower power drug of wishful thinking and propaganda.

If you read the Koran, if you recognize the reality around beside of bread and play, you will come to the conclusion, that Islam is not peaceful but a war sect attacking permanently the freedom and human rights, trying to occupy the whole world, it is not reformable, so it can’t come to any permanent agreement of peace between the western world and the Islam “religion”.

Iran has for sure an Islam government. Woman have to wear the hijab, mosques are everywhere and Khomeini was a Islam leader. All leaders there follow Islamic rules and law. As in many other countries in middle east and Asia. As I stated above already, it doesn’t matter if there are groups in Islam which fight against each other.

If you know this, it is evidently true what options are there. Those options I stated above in other posts.

The war would be short and sweet. That would give the U.S. economy a boost.

Wow thanks everyone for their input although kind of gone off topic, it has been fun reading it all.
I can’t help but reply to a few of the comments.


I think it is quite possible that the USA, Israel or both could attack Iran.

I concur with this or more think it is just a matter of time.


So you want to profit from dirty games, are you?

Sorry Used but we ALL profit from someone’s loss one way or another directly or indirectly. Every time you win a trade you have taken someone’s losses no? All be it ok for the US government to place their trades (weather currenacy stock commodity) in the direction of the catastrophic event they are preparing to create and have created in the past. Look at the GFC. Gee I wonder who made the most off 9/11 also. Actually I don’t wonder as certain research has implied exactly who has and it wasn’t the small guy.


This is not about religion, it doesn’t matter what religion Iran’s leaders are, the question is what are their intentions. They have already threatened the United States and Israel. That is enough already. Both the US and Israel have the capability to destroy Iran’s nuclear program right now and should do so.

Iran doesn’t have any nukes IMHO. The good old USA is preparing to attack for their own messed up reasons. I am not an expert in the field but it will be to control the oil. Tyrone is at its best at the moment. Look at the constitution, bill of rights being pulled apart piece by piece and peoples liberties being destroyed all in the name of control and eventually a NWO. Is just a matter of time.
Back to the question though. If what I suggested was to come too play then I think currency would fall all over the world. People would move to different $ but since they are all based on paper there would be no stopping the fall which in turn would leave the door open to create a one world currency. Just like they created the Fed Reserve back in 1913 to apparently stop what happened 2 years ago – the GFC- oh which they created. Did you know that the Fed Res has never been audited in 90 years, they refuse to have one and it is privately owned. Huh.

Anyhow thanks all for your input again.

that leader of iran is a nutcase!