Something is coming…

Ive Spent the last 2 days On this Chart, Finaly Found a True Vision to The Forex Cycle…

If the Dollar Goes Back up it will still Look very Bleak… By June 2012 the Cylce Seems To End… Left wuth a New Freshhold, Almost as If A New Currency Has Been Formed Out Of The Ressession…

Ive Pin Pointed 3 Majors, At the New Cycle… They will all Rise In a Simillar Pattern at a 45 Degree Angle…

The USD, JPY, EUR Will All Be Affected By The Cycle… USD Will Rise Above 88.00 again But Due to Low Spending Christmas time It Will Be A Slow Rise to 96.00 if not threatened by JOB CUTS… 2012 Summer time Looks Optemistc yet there will be a Drop somewhere along 2012 back to all time lows, Due to another Crisis affecting the Worlds Climate… If All is Well, By June 2013 will have Risen to 107.00… Yet The Mergance for All Majors will mean New Pre Cycle is Over and A New Stronger Currency will be Needed To Keep All Econemies Afloat…

It Took Me Hours and Days to Create This Prediction, It Will Be In Effect As Of 10th AUG 2010

Thank YOu For Reading